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I stepped down the large stairs and found my way into the living room. It was on the other side of the grand library. When I walked in there was multiple kids sitting on the four couches. Christa sat in a recliner and I sat next to her in a leather arm rest chair. She smiled and all the kids looked at me. There was one girl who had a big smile on her face. She had light brown hair and very light green eyes. Freckles sprinkled her nose. She had braces and wore glasses. She didn't look like a geek though. It was more of a city girl look. "Ok everyone, we are gonna go around the room and say our age, name, favorite sport and something special about you. Garrett why don't you start?" Garrett sat on the other side of me on on of the couches. He had dark brown hair and hazel eyes. I don't want to lie but he was kinda cute and tall.

"I'm Garrett, I'm 16, I love American football, and I can play the drums." His voice was deep and dark. I cringed at it. It reminded my too much of foster home number two and the foster dad that owned it. Then the next boy spoke. He was small and had blonde hair, green eyes.

"I'm Derek, I'm 8, I love to play football and I can make really good mashed potatoes." Everyone buzzed in agreement. He smiled a cheeky smile. He was so adorable. The 2 boys next to him looked exactly the same. They both had black hair and dark blue eyes. One of them had freckles sprinkled across his face. The one without the freckles spoke.

"I'm Parker and that's Porter." He pointed to the boy next to him. "We are 5. We don't have a favorite sport or a special thing yet." The girl on the next couch was on her phone texting away. She had black hair that had a few dark purple streaks in it. She had a lip piercing and a few tattoos. Her eyes were brown and cold. She was wearing a tank top that showed to much cleavage. The smaller girl nudged her. When she realized it was her turn she groaned.

"I'm Roxanne, but people call me Roxy, I'm 17, I hate sports and I can text fast." She said slowly and clearly annoyed. The girl next to her spoke immediately. She had very blonde hair and blue eyes.

"I'm Dana, I'm 10 and sister of Kristin. I love volleyball and I can play very well." The girl next to her spoke right away too. She had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. She had the same features but glasses.

"I'm Kristin, sister of Dana. I'm 12 and I love volleyball too and I'm a computer nerd." The girl that was smiling earlier was on another couch. She spoke softly but cheerfully.

"I'm Maxine but people call me Maxy. I'm 13 and I love football and golf, I love to design things and play the piano." She pushed her glasses farther on her nose and kept that smile playing on her lips. The older looking boy next to her had honey colored hair and blue eyes.

"I'm Christopher, call me Chris. I'm the younger brother of Christa and I'm 18 but have to live here because she's my guardian. I play golf and can write a good book." He said all of it quickly. I barely picked it up but I managed. The last two people were on the last couch. The girl spoke before the boy. She had red curly hair and had brown eyes. She had freckles. She's what I call a Ginger.

"I know this is ironic and all but my names Ginger." She giggled. "I'm 9, sister of Michael. I like hockey and I figure skate." The boy next to her spoke he had every feature she did but was younger.

"I'm Michael, I'm 7, I like hockey too and I can run really fast." Everyone stares at me waiting for me to speak. I spoke in a soft tone feeling totally shy. I took a deep breath.

"I'm Kendall. Some people call me Ken or Kenny. I'm 14, I love football and I play very well and I like to bake." I didn't smile and no one else did. Well except for Maxine.

"Anyone have any questions for Kendall?" Christa asked. One of the twins, Porter, raised his hand.

"Where did you get that scar?" He asked pointing to my scar. I felt a few tears fill my eyes.

"Um just a vicious dog." Ginger raised her hand too.

"What's the worst thing that happened at your old foster homes?" The tears flowed down. I couldn't hold them. All the bad memories came from the back of mind to the front flooding it with fear and horror.

"I-I have to go." I choked out rushing from the living room and up the stairs. I ran down the long hall and slammed the door shut. It closed with a bang. I jumped on the bed and cried my eyes out. I couldn't stop them.
I've been in my 4th foster home for about 1 year now. I've gotten most of the terror of bridges and rapids from my head but it lingered there. I have a new 'brother' now. We are very close. His names Nathan. He has dark brown hair and grayish eyes. I have to say he's a cutie but he's 2 years older than me. I tell him all my problems except for foster homes 2 and 3. His object his parents gave them before they died in a car crash was a picture of him and his family and dog when he was 4.

Today we are going for a walk. We are walking down an abandoned rail road track. We were talking about how boring our foster mums lessons were. Rating them on a scale 1 to 10. We got off the tracked and were kicking rocks around. He pulled me back on the tracks. I stood on one side and him on the other. We were walked down it balancing. I felt a great force push me off the tracks and I landed on the rocks. A train sped past me. It was loud and whistled as is past. "I thought it was abandoned." I said turning around looking for Nathan. He was no where to be seen. I thought he might have headed back without me thinking I did so I just texted him telling him I was headed back.

I went down for dinner and he still wasn't here when my foster mum told us the heartbreaking news. I vowed that day never to get that close to someone ever again.

More tears fell from my face in a waterfall. Bad things always happen. I'm just not that lucky.

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