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Harry and I walked down the sidewalk towards the restraunt for lunch. The cold London air chilled my bones and I shivered. "Here." Harry said taking off his jacket and wrapping it around me. I smiled.

"Thank you." He smiled back exposing his dimples. I started to feel very weak. His face hid his smile and it turned into a confused frown.

"Are you ok?" He asked stopping in front of me. I nodded. "You don't look ok."

"T-truth is, I-I feel very w-weak." I said almost falling over. Harry held me up straight.

"Ok come on we are going to a doctor." I nodded slightly and my eyelids started to feel very heavy. Harry helped me walk. My eyes blinked rapidly as I tried to stay awake. I'm guessing Harry noticed. "Stay with me Kendall, I'm gonna call an ambulance." I nodded once more and he laid me on a bench and dialed quickly. I stared up at the grey sky. I blinked more trying to keep myself aware but to no avail. I couldn't hold them open and I soon drifted off into the dark.

I heard loud sirens sound and I opened my eyes but they would only open a little. I still felt weak and tired. I drifted in and out of consciousness, trying to keep myself awake. I lady appeared above me. She had blonde hair that was in a perfect bun and she had blue eyes. "Miss can you tell me your name?" She asked calmly.

"K-Kendall." I drifted unconscious then back. "Tomlinson." I said weakly.

"Ok Kendall try and stay with me." She motioned someone over and seconds later I heard a rustling noise. It sounded like metal rolling closer to me. I was soon lifted into the air and was rested on a soft surface. The nurse reappeared. She used a light and shined it in my eye. She checked the reflexes. I drifted off again right as I was being lifted into a van.

I heard rushing people and the sound of the metal again. I looked up at the people around me and the moving ceiling above me. Then I was out again. This time a lot longer.

I waited patiently for the nurse to come out of Kendall's room. Finally she came out. "You can go in but she's still unconscious. She should wake up soon." I nodded and rushed in the room. Kendall was lying on the bed with needles stuck in her arm and wearing a white hospital gown. Her hair was thrown about on the pillow and she looked calm and relaxed. I rushed to her side and took her hand. I leaned over and started sobbing into her neck. I was so scared and I still am.

"I was so scared. I still am. Please wake up." I said quietly through my tears. I suddenly felt a hand rub my back. I stood up to see a weary Kendall staring back at me.

"I'm awake. There's no need to be scared." She said softly.

"Are you ok what happened?" Her eyes flutter closed.

"Let me rest first please." Then you could hear her slight snores signaling she fell asleep.

After a few hours the others showed up but were rushed out of the door but the nurse. "One at a time please." She said calmly. She drug me out as well because she needed to check up on her. When the nurse walked back in I was shot at with questions.

"Is she ok? What happened? Is she awake? Is she dying? Will she live? Is it contagious? Will there be any after effects?" They all asked at once. I rose my hands for them to slow down. I wiped my tear stained cheeks.

"She's fine but resting. She was unconscious for a while. I don't know what's going on, she fell asleep before she told me." I said.

"So what happened exactly?" Maxine asked.

"Well we were walking to lunch and she started to look weak so I asked what was wrong and she said she was weak and tired. She almost fell just talking to me. I laid her down on a bench and dialed the hospital and she kept drifting in and out of consciousness and after they put her in the back of the vehicle I rushed back to get my car and now we are here."

I heard the door close and opened my eyes to see the same nurse from outside walking towards me. "Great your awake!" She said smiling brightly. "I'm Candie!" She checked my IV and all the machines.

"Can you explain," I stopped due to tiredness and took a breath. "What happened?" She nodded mad sat on the edge of the bed.

"Well your iron got super low. Do you take any medication for anything related to this? To eat certain things everyday to help this? Does your family have any problems with iron?"

"I do take a medication for my iron. When I was real little my iron got really low and I almost died. I slept all the time and I cried every time I felt the slight bit sleepy. So my parents took me to the doctor and I was ordered to take this medication and eat fruit everyday. I usually eat cherries. I'm not sure about my family."

"When was the last time you took the medication or ate your fruit?" I thought back.

"I didn't take it yesterday or today." She nodded.

"See. You can't mess with meds, dear. You always need to keep them in your system. They are very important." She stood up and flattened her wrinkled nurses gown. "Well I must be going. The doctor will be in here soon." I nodded and as soon as she left Louis and Niall came rushing in.

"Kendall! Kendall!" They shouted running in the room at full speed. Niall went flying over the bed and landed on the floor with a thud. Louis ended up on the bed sitting at my feet in a weird way. Niall jumped up next to Louis and rubbed his arm. "Ow." He mumbled. I laughed and laughed. But then pain ripped threw my legs.

"Ok ok. Lou get off my legs! They are still weak!" I cried. He moved off my legs and they stopped hurting. I sighed deeply.

"Sorry." he muttered.

"It's fine. I guess I should have warned you." He nodded.

"Ok tell us what happened!" Niall said getting comfy on the bed like a child ready for a story.

"My iron just got low that's all." Niall sat up looking disappointed.

"Oh." He snuggled back down next to me on the bed. "Eh. Your stories are still good. Now tell me one." I rolled my eyes.

"I swear you are such a child." I ruffled his hair then I looked up at Louis. "Where's Harry and the others?"

"They took Harry out to get his mind off things. It's all good." I nodded.

"Ok Niall, I'll tell you a story."

I was half way through the story when the doctor came in. "Hello Miss. Tomlinson!" He said happily.

"Hi doc."

"I'm just gonna check some things." He said checking the monitors and stuff. He went to the IV and stopped its flow. Then he stopped the iron from flowing as well.

"Um I don't think you need to stop that. I need it." He shook his head and removed the needles from my arm.

"It's fine. You need to get off this stuff so you can recover."

"I think she needs that to recover." Louis said protectively.

"It's fine." the doctor said and walked out of the room.

"Lou do you really think He's right?" Louis shrugged.

"I don't know I guess we should listen to him. He is the doctor."

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