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Ok so today was the day. Tonight was prom. Today so many people were getting asked and talking to their dates about what they were gonna wear. Even Maxine was talking to her date. He was walking next to us as we went to 6th period. I stopped at my locker when I heard someone call my name. "Kendall! Heads up!" I turned to see a football rolling at full force towards me. I stopped it with my foot and picked it up. It had 'prom?' In big letters written on it. I looked up to see Jonah holding a rose. "So?" He asked. I gave him a sad look.

"I'm sorry Jonah. I already have a date." He smiled sadly.

"What a lucky guy." he said quietly and taking the football and walking away.

I met Maxine outside of the school at the end of the day. "So I heard about Jonah." She said. I sighed.

"Yea I feel really bad."

"It's ok. He understands."

"I hope so." I decided to change the subject. "So did you get the tiaras?" We decided to buy some crowns to wear just to go with our dresses.

"Yep. They are at the house."

"How bout campaigning for prom queen?"

"Nope. They don't do prom queen and king till the end of school at the end of the year dance."

"Dang this school is messed up." she nodded.

"I agree."

I touched up my make up which couldn't be more perfect. I fixed my hair in low curls with glitter sprinkled in it. When I got ready I called Niall.


"Hey Ni! It Kendall."

"Oh hey Kenz! I can't wait to see you but I'll be a little late."

"That's fine. I can't wait either. I'll see you then."

"Ok. I love ya."

"Love ya too." I hung up and headed out the door. Maxine left a while ago to meet Carson so I walked alone. It was a little cold out but I kept walking.

When I got to the school I texted Niall.

Nialler <3 <3: Hey I'm here just thought I should tell you.

When I was done I headed inside to the lightly lit gym where music blasted. When I walk in everyone looks at me like in Cinderella when she walks in the ballroom. What's going on? I walked down the space the people opened up and they stared at me every step of the way. I found Maxine and went straight to her. "What the heck is going on?!" I whisper shouted as everyone went back to dancing and talking.

"You look amazing!" She said. "Like oh my gosh!" I gave her a glare.

"What happened when I walked in?!" She patted my shoulder.

"Ok well first you turned down Jonah and second you look amazing!"


"Just wait till Niall gets here. You'll get even more stares." I groaned and she went back to dancing with Carson. I didn't know what to do so I went to go get a drink.

I picked up a cup from the table and filled it with the red punch in the big bowl when someone backed into my causing my to spill it all over me. I turned to see Jonah. Great. "I'm so sorry!" He said getting a napkin and handing my one. I dabbed off the wet spots. He looked back up to my eyes. His green ones were bright in the dark. "You- you look great." He stuttered.

"Um thanks?" He looked around and got closer to me and I stepped back bumping into the snack table.

"I don't see your date. What's his name? Neil?" His eyes went back to mine.

"He's gonna be late. And it's Niall. It's um Irish." He wrapped his arms around my waist. I struggled to get loose but I was no match for his strength. "Let go." I said coldly.

"Why don't we make the most of him not being here."

"I don't like you Jonah. Just let go."

"Oh you don't like me? I was told you had a crush on me." I tried once more to get loose.

"That was before I started dating Niall." Suddenly he kissed me. On the mouth! It was forceful and sloppy. I tried to pull away and when I succeeded I turned my head so he couldn't do it again. That's when I spotted Niall. His arms were crossed and his eyes were narrowed in anger. He turned and stomped off. "Niall!" I shouted tearing from Jonahs grip. I rushed after him and out of the gym but he was no where to be seen. "Niall?!" I called. No answer. That's it. He probably hates me just like the other boys. This is just great. What's next? Maxine gets stabbed in the chest? I was standing in the cold London air as tears streamed from my eyes and down my face. I couldn't take it so I screamed in frustration. I walked around the school and sat at the corner and cried. The tears felt like ice as the came but I just cried more. "Why?!" I screamed. Then with my luck it started pouring rain. It poured hard and I just screamed and cried more. Make up trickled down my cheeks. My dress was ruining from the mud and wet rain. Just more thing to cry about. This stuff was a fortune.

After a while of of crying in the cold rain my throat started to feel sore and I started coughing. Great. A cold. Bright lights from a car shined in my direction and I saw someone get out of the drivers side and walk towards me. "If it's you Andrew just take me. I have nothing else to live for." I put my head back to my knees.

"I'm not Andrew." Harry. I looked up to see the cheeky boy holding out a towel. His hair and clothes were getting soaked by the rain and they clung to his body. He helped me stand up and wrapped the towel around me and we walked back to the car.

"So how did you know I was here?" I croaked as I fastened my seatbelt. He started up the car and drove off.

"Niall came home upset and spilled everything."

"Ugh." I sighed. "Are you mad?"

"About what?"

"Everything. Secretly dating Niall, always yelling at you, stealing, kissing a guy that wasn't my boyfriend."

"No. I'm not mad. I understand everything. You were a low point in life. And why did you kiss him?"

"He backed my against a table and he kissed me. It was all a big surprise." He nodded.

"Harry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry about not telling you things and just being a butt about everything."

"It's ok. I forgive you. It's my fault you were mad at me. I tried to force you to tell me something you weren't ready for."

We pulled into the driveway of his flat and we walked inside. "Do you want some tea?" He asked walking into the kitchen.


"You can go upstairs and get some dry clothes. Wear anything you please."

"Thanks." I walked up the stairs in my wet attire and found his bedroom. It was little messy but I didn't mind. I searched through his drawers and found some navy blue sweat pants and a blue t shirt. I threw them on and went back downstairs and into the living room where Harry was. He handed me a mug of warm tea and I sipped on it. He sat on the couch and I sat next to him.

"Do you want to stay here for the night?" I nodded. He draped a blanket over both of us. I set my mug on the coffee table and snuggled into his chest.

"Thank you." I said.


"For always being there for me. Even when I was mad at you." He lifted my chin I got lost in his emerald green eyes. He leaned in and his soft lips touched mine creating electricity between us. I kissed back and we moved together. It was nothing I have ever felt before. It was different. That's when I realized, he's my missing puzzle piece. I found my missing piece.

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