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I was a little late coming back. I was supposed to be back about 30 minutes ago but Harry and I went to the museum just to be weird. I didn't know how Christa would take this so I slipped in through the back door. I slipped through the kitchen that was unoccupied. I made my way up the stairs. "Stop right there." A stern voice echoes through the house. I turned around slowly and saw Christa with her arms crossed over chest. She had a serious expression plastered on her face. "Where have you been?"

"I was at the museum." I practically whispered but the silence of the house made me heard.


"No ma'am."

"With who?"


"And that is?"

"My only friend. He's from the bakery down the street." She softened her cold glare. She relaxed her body and her arms fell to her side.

"I know him. Your lucky he's a nice boy otherwise you would have a major punishment. But for now 2 weeks grounded. You are only aloud to leave your room for meals, to go to the library or to see me. Am I clear?" Her harsh tone returned but calmer. I nodded. She turned and walked away and I rushed up into my room.

I pushed open the door to my room and set down my bag. I went into the bathroom for a shower. As I showered I decided to sing a little. "If you could see That I'm the one Who understands you. Been here all along. So, why can't you see You belong with me, You belong with me." I finished and headed out into my room just wrapped in a towel still humming the tune. I went to my drawer to get my pajamas.

"Your a good singer." I jumped about 10 feet in the air. I looked to my bed to see Maxine sitting on it.

"What the heck?!" I screeched pulling the towel up more to make sure I was fully covered. "What are you doing in here?!"

"I came to talk since you ran away from my last time." She crossed her hands over her chest.

"Sorry but I'm grounded. So get out." It came out more nastier than I expected. She frowned.

"What did you do?"

"Just get out!" I pushed her to the door and locked her out of it. I huffed and continued to get dressed. What's her deal?

After getting dressed I decided to see if I could find a spot for hiding. Like for thinking and junk. I've never had one on the roof and since I was on the top floor of the house I was gonna use it. I went to my window and opened the latch and climbed out. I slipped and almost lost balance. Ok that's not gonna work. I went back inside and looked for a rope or something. I went into my closet and found an old scarf I never use. I took it to the window and climbed back out. I tied it securely around the gutter. I but on foot in it and pulled myself up to the top of the roof. It was partly flat so I had a place to sit. I looked around and found a lose brick. I pulled it out of its hole. I could put my journal here. I set the brick down and looked at the view. You could see everything. I could even see my peaceful words. The only part of the world I felt calm.

After a while of sitting and thinking I went back inside. Just as I got back inside someone slipped something up under the door. I walked over to pick it up. It was a letter with very pretty handwriting.

Please can we just talk? I really need someone I can count on in this house and I'm hoping its you. Please just come and talk. At 10:00 come down my hall. I'm the 2nd door on the right. You can't miss it. Hope to see you then.

I sighed. I guess I have to. I looked at my alarm clock. It's 9:55. Ugh. I grabbed my box of fresh cherries and slipped on my slippers. I threw my hair in a ponytail and headed out. I stepped quietly down the hall and across the way to her hall. I went down and door and she was right. You couldn't miss it. It had MAXINE written in big letters on a wooden plate hanging from the door. I knocked slightly and she opened straight away. "Finally!"

Something's up with her. Where did she get that scar? I know it wasn't a dog. She gets along with the wildest animals because they all love her. She told me herself. You could see it in her eyes something was up. We had a great time tonight but when we went to the train to go home she refused to get on it. We walked home and we were gonna go over a small bridge but she refused to that too. "Harry! Dinners ready!" My mom called. I need to figure out why before I leave. I got a year.

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