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"I thought you'd never want to talk." She sighed letting my through the door. Oh gosh she's a fangirl. She had posters everywhere. Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana, Backstreet Boys, the Jonas Brothers and so on so forth.

"So your a fangirl?"

"Oh yea!" She said I was like it was no big deal but in my world it was. I'm a fan of music and I write my own but I definitely don't fangirl. "So come sit." She motioned me to the bed and I sat on it and she sat in her pink bowl chair. "Ok I just want to talk. Ya know, get to know you. I need a foster sister." I put my head down. "What's wrong?"

"I'm not looking to have a foster sister." I said quietly. She tilted her head in confusion.

"Why not?"

"Long and sad story but I've had some bad experiences." She laughed calmly and snorted. I think that is just the funniest thing when someone laughs and they snort so I laughed softly.

"I'm not going anywhere. I promise." I actually kinda believed her. I nodded. "Let's start off slow. Favorite color? Mines pink as you can tell." Her room was painted pink, her chair was pink, her desk was pink and her bedding was pink.

"Green. Not a big fan of purple but I have to deal with it because of my room." She nodded. "Middle name? Mines Martha."

"Alyssa. Favorite fruit? Strawberries for me."


"Did you know that if you can tie a stem your a good kis-"

"Kisser? Yea I know but I don't think of it that way."

"What do you mean?"

"I can tie I stem in 30 seconds."


"Well there she is!" I called as Kendall walked into the bakery. Her brown hair was down and her blue eyes sparkled. She sat on the stool.

"You sent me a letter saying you wanted to talk before the bakery opened up?"

"Oh yea." I walked around the counter and sat next to her. "I was gonna ask you a question. Well 2." She took a cheery from the bin and ate it off the stem. She then stuck the stem in her mouth and tied it tight then tossed it in the trash.


"Well I was wondering if you wanted to start working here?" Her eyes lit up.

"Really?! I would love too! When do I start?" I got up and tossed her the extra apron on the rack. It had her name stitched on the front. I helped her tie it around her neck and waist.

"Right now." I smiled and she hugged me.

"Thanks Harry!" She pulled away. "What was that other question?" She asked as we started to clean off the tables.

"Oh yea, I'm thinking about trying out for the X Factor. Would that be a good idea?"

"Oh my gosh Harry that would be amazing! You'll be great!" I felt sparks fly through me. I'm actually gonna do it. I'm gonna go on the X Factor!

"Ok I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna try out for the X factor!"

Wow that was a crappy chapter :/ sorry about that!

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