23 Wrap You Up, Put You in a Bow

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"I have a question for you", Ryan announced. He lounged on the couch in the studio and scrolled through something on his phone.

Marshall sat on the other couch, feet planted on the edge of the low table. "Shoot", he mumbled only half listening. His eyes were fixed on the screen of his laptop, he was searching for new cassette tapes to add to his collection.

"Did you invite Nicolas to your Halloween party next week?"

Marshall's head jerked up. "Hell no! Are you crazy? Why would I do that?"

"Because he's your boyfriend and you're throwing a party?" Ryan looked up from his phone. "Do you need classes on how relationships work? You were married twice, didn't you pick anything up from that?"

"Shh!" Marshall looked to the door anxiously. "Don't say that here." Why not? They already know. Your fucking panic attacks are too exhausting. Just get over it, fag.

Ryan snorted dismissively. "Relax. I'm careful, trust me."

Marshall grumbled some curse and closed his laptop. "No, I don't need classes, I know how relationships work, thank you very much. I just ... I don't think this whole thing is a good idea, that's all." You're such a coward, homo.

"Do you like him?"

Marshall nodded. "Maybe? I think so." More conviction, girl, you're all wet and open for his dick. We all know that. Stay true to your calling, fag.

"Does he like you?"

Marshall shrugged. "I think so? Maybe." Have faith, bitch, he's still texting your stupid ass. Whatever it is, he ain't giving up on fucking you. Who says, homos don't get lucky?

"Then it's a good idea." Ryan came over to his couch and sat next to him. "I get that you're hesitant and stuff, but don't give up too early. Be bold, be brash - you're good at that." He bumped his fist softly against Marshall's shoulder. "So, back to the topic at hand: Invite Nicolas to the party."

Marshall wasn't convinced. "Why? He won't know anyone and he ain't the social type. What would he gain from coming here and spending a night at my office party?" Which it basically was. Everyone from his label and the studio was invited and Marshall was pretty excited to have some of his favorite people all in one place. You're such a needy bitch, it's almost cute. Didn't happen too often. But to throw Nicolas in there? That didn't sound like much fun. Depends on the party. Gonna be some easy dicks there, that won't be picky about which hole to fuck. That'll be a lot of fun, won't it slut?

"Because he likes you. I'm pretty sure he'd like to meet your friends. You know, see you in your natural habitat."

Marshall frowned. "What am I, a rare animal?" You're a common slut, there's nothing rare about that. He shouldn't listen to Ryan. What did he know about dating a guy? What do you know about dating a guy? Or about dating at all. You can't hold on to a relationship even if your life depended on it, you always fuck it up. Literally.

Ryan smirked. "Kinda. Come, invite him and you can enjoy your party even a little more than you already will."

"And if he says no?", he asked. Stop with your stupid overthinking already! "If he thinks it's a stupid idea as much as I do? We've been only doing this thing for like three weeks or so. It's too early for a fucking party. He'll say no, I'm sure." Argh! You're killing me, fucking homo. Just get his dick inside you and shut up.

"Well, then you can tell him, it was my stupid idea and you can both laugh at me. Come on, just text him", Ryan insisted.

Marshall sighed heavily but pulled out his phone. He texted: had a stupid thought just now: I throw a halloween party next week, wanna come? Then he looked at Ryan: "Happy now?"

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