9 It's One of Those Kinda Nights

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"Hey guys, wanna go out tonight? There's a new club open." Denaun looked up from his phone to the rest of the guys, who sat around the studio.

Marshall was writing on his notepad. "Nah, I'm good." This time he was actually working on a song. He hummed the melody quietly, while he scribbled down the rhymes. He had started writing about a kiss and You got your dick hard fantasizing about the fucker kissing you like you're his girlfriend! and he was now filling in some lines on how to badly pick up a chick.

"You should get out of the house more often. Maybe pick up a girl or something", Denaun suggested. "It's a fine club, I tell ya."

"What are you, my mom?" He looked up at him. "I'm going out of the house plenty, thanks for asking."

"The studio doesn't count", Ryan interjected.

"Not what I meant." He arched his eyebrows as he saw the skeptical and surprised looks on his friends' faces. "Don't ya'll give me that look, too. Why is it so unbelievable that I might go out and, I don't know, mingle with people? Ya'll acting like I'm a hermit or some shit."

Ryan cleared his throat. "Well, you kinda are."

Marshall rolled his eyes. "Do I need your permission if I wanna get laid, or what now? It's bad enough that my daughters want me to bring home my girlfriend. Don't you guys even start with this shit."

"You have a girlfriend?", Denaun asked even more surprised. "Since when?"

"No, I don't." You wish! You're just a lame booty call, bitch. "That's the problem. Look, can we not talk about this? I already sense a headache comin'." He turned back to his notes and was silently mouthing the lines he had already written.

"Even more reason to come to the club with us." Denaun insisted. "Come on, it's gonna be fun."

Marshall certainly didn't think so.

"He's right. How else you gonna find a girlfriend to show off to your kids?" He was almost sure, Ryan was joking.

He sighed. Couldn't they let it slide? Friends, almost as bad as his daughters. "I don't want a girlfriend. It's just sex, no need to get all chummy and shit." Also, Nicolas didn't seem to be the sociable type himself. Not that he wanted anything like that! Yeah, right, what's one more lie, fag.

"That's why you don't have a girl. They like guys with some basic social skills."

He snorted with a bitter tone. "That ain't the reason, believe me."

"What does that mean?", Ryan asked.

"Nothin'." He could feel Ryans eyes burn into his skull. He raised his eyes from his notepad and met the gaze. That he shouldn't have done. "My social skills are fine. I'm just not build for women." You comin' out? Shit! He had to play it off. "You know, I ain't havin' luck with 'em. It's easier this way." That was so bleak, it could actually work.

Ryan still looked at him. "One of those things your therapist is working on?"

"You have no idea."

"I still can't believe, you're clubbing without us." Denaun was one of those people, who actually liked going out, dancing in clubs and meeting new people. Marshall had no idea how anyone could like that, but here his friend was.

"I ain't. There's an app for that now." Did he needed to say that? He kind of felt like he was close on the edge of tripping over his own words. He almost did there already, it's gonna happen again. Bitches never shut up. He turned to his notepad again.

Denaun shook his head. "You're on a dating app? That's desperate."

"You don't know the half of it." Can his mouth shut up just for once! Think fast, defuse, defuse, defuse. "Then my fuckin' phone beeps and now Hailie thinks I have a girlfriend. You know, all hopeful and excited for me. Awful, I tell you. It's not like I can tell her, her dad's just in it for a quick fuck. I ain't teaching her that, no way."

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