50 It's Like A Verbal Seduction

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"I have one more present for you", Nicolas said, his voice fondling Marshall's ear, his hands softly stroked along Marshall's sides. Their eyes met in the mirror. A serene expression on his face as the black eyes took in the picture inch by inch, pixel by pixel.

"Why?", Marshall asked surprised. What more could Nicolas give him? "I don't have nothing else for you." What more could he give Nicolas? He wasn't a man of many talents and the few talents he possessed, Nicolas had a hard time appreciating. If he wrote him a song, how much joy could Nicolas have with that? And if he made himself into more of a present than the dress already did, wasn't he just doing more of the same? For a normal couple sex sometimes could be much of a gift, but for them? From him? He gave sex to everyone, that wasn't special at all. He wanted to do something special for Nicolas. Moreover, he wanted to be special for Nicolas. His fingers stroked over the silver collar again.

The thin lips stretched into a grin. "I have everything I want."

Marshall turned around, looking at his boyfriend directly was better than through a mirror. There were small crinkles in the corners of Nicolas's eyes. "Merry Christmas." He leaned the short distance down to kiss him again. It was a funny feeling being the one to lean down, more so thanks to the high heels. He could get used to that.

»But«, Nicolas signed and he twirled a blond curl around his finger for a second. »I probably have to ruin all of this. We should enjoy it a little longer with all the hard work you put into it.«

What exactly did Nicolas have in mind? A tingle in his groin. »It's okay.« This look was his gift after all. Marshall was just glad, Nicolas liked it at all, quite much actually. That was more than he had hoped for. »Feel free to do what you want.« Marshall bit his lips slightly bashful. It sounded much like an invitation and he certainly meant it as one, if Nicolas wanted to do something hot and dirty, he could go right at it. But he was strangely sure, they wouldn't need to for this night to be good. That was a new feeling. By all accounts, Nicolas wanted to be here, regardless if Marshall offered his ass up or not. And that gave his otherwise flippant invitation more heart and more earnestness. He wanted for Nicolas to enjoy this night as thoroughly as possible ... No, he wanted them to enjoy this night together, maybe with sex, maybe not, but together they would be.

Mischief twinkled in Nicolas's eyes. »I will.«

Heat swirled up in Marshall's stomach.

»Later.« Nicolas's index finger hooked on the neckline of the dress, the point burned through the cloth. Then, he turned from Marshall and left the bedroom.

Savoring the view of the broad back, Marshall rubbed over the spot on his chest, where he could feel Nicolas's touch. He turned back to the mirror, his eyes focussed on the silver collar again. A quiet came over him. Perhaps, there was a way for him to be only for Nicolas. The smile on his lips was genuine.

But first, he had to freshen his make-up. The blue of the lipstick had lost a little with all the eating and kissing and biting. Then, he hurried out the room.

Before Marshall could put his foot on the first step, Nicolas gestured to halt. He stood at the bottom of the stairs. »How about we make a Disney movie out of tonight?«, he suggested and held up his phone. »Can I film you, like coming down?«

Marshall smirked. »You're a bit of an idiot, you know that?« But he smoothed out his dress, just to make sure everything was fluffy and flowed correctly. And he waited for Nicolas's signal.

When the phone camera was set up, Marshall walked down the stairs. One hand on the rail in a classy gesture, the steps slow and weighted. The swelling of an orchestra was missing and it wasn't the grand foyer of a ballroom or anything, just his lake house, just his boyfriend. Marshall felt a little silly and a little flattered. At the bottom of the stairs, he swirled around to show off his outfit and imitated the shy but charming smile of those heroines, suddenly beautiful and suddenly the center of attention; indulging his boyfriend in his fantasy. »You want a dance, too?«

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