18 You Wanted an Intimate Date, I Wanna Intimidate

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Of course they won. They always won over him. He sighed internally, while he was still talking to Ryan. "... only a couple friends - this is not a party. Be strict. No too loud music, no alcohol or whatever shit they come up with and they go to bed on time. Whitney's only eight and she's not going to a party, not even her sisters'. And if anything goes wrong, call me. Even in the middle of the night, I don't care. I don't want-"

"Go, Marshall, just go." Ryan pushed him out of the door. "I have five kids myself, I can handle a weekend with yours. Enjoy your romantic trip and don't think about home, that's my birthday present to you. I got everything under control."

Marshall wanted to step back into his house. "But I have to-"

"You don't", Ryan interrupted him again. "Just go already." He stood in the door frame, unmoving and totally blocking the way.

Marshall sighed, out loud this time. "This is a bad idea."

"It's not and you know it. Now, go!", Ryan ordered and shoved him softly out the door.

Grumbling Marshall got into his car. He still thought, this was a bad idea. Sure, a whole weekend with Nicolas sounded good, exhilarating even but also terrifying. You chicken out already? Come on, fag, get at least one fuck in. Worse though, leaving his daughters alone while they threw a party. Just a few friends, he didn't believe them and they knew that. How Ryan got involved with this, was anyone's guess, Marshall had no clue. Let me try: You told him about their awesome idea and made sad puppy dog eyes so long until he made you say yes. You can't do anything on your own, pussy. Suddenly he acted as their babysitter and before Marshall knew, Nicolas had taken the weekend off and voilà, here he was on his way to three days of just the two of them.

His car stopped at Nicolas's address. In a small street a small house clung to the neighboring houses and all the colors were a shade of gray. The entrance receded into a niche, just a few steps were visible in the shadows. On the last step Nicolas sat. When he recognized Marshall's car, he came over. A short gray jacket, a black t-shirt underneath and his dog tags flashed in the sunlight for just a moment, cargo pants in a dark olive tone that were tucked into heavy boots. Somehow it seemed unlikely he would ever wear a suit.

They exchanged short nods for greetings as Nicolas sat down in the front seat. Some tunes were playing on the car stereo, a new artist Marshall was checking out. Not helpful now. Wouldn't be helpful either way, you always ramble on and on when you start about music. That won't make him hard. He would've liked to talk about it or just about music in general, after all music was a huge fucking deal in his life. So is his dick. Though not that huge fucking deal in comparison, but for your needy hole it'll be enough. But did deaf people enjoy music? Some must, since there always were a couple of people with the interpreter at his concerts. He always found that odd. If you couldn't hear anything, what good did music do for you? Lucky guy! How I wish I couldn't hear anything right now. You never shut up, bitch. Music was awesome and he appreciated that people liked his songs, of course, but ... He couldn't visualize - or more audiolize - how that worked.

Was it insensitive to ask? Probably. Most definitely. He was a more tactful person than people gave his music credit for. He knew what not to say, but he usually decided that was exactly the reason to rap it anyways. Didn't mean he wanted to offend here, when he was actually trying to - whatever this was. A romantic weekend with your boyfriend. It feels as cheesy as it sounds. Stay with random fucks, fag, that's what you're good at. Well, good enough. Aren't homos supposed to be better at sex? You know, the whole 'we have the same equipment'-thing? Maybe he'll teach you?

For a moment he looked over to Nicolas, who was looking out the window and watching the houses go by and the streets blur together while they drove through the city. What an amazing start for their weekend.

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