Chapter 16: Stow-on-Side Gym (Part 2)

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Seikatsu and Raihan celebrated with her Psychic-Fairy party in a pub at Stow-on-Side. Zoroark ignored completely anybody but Delphox, and Seikatsu looked at them smiling. Raihan observed her first than the couple, and:"Are you envy of your Pokémon?" He asked, jokingly:"N-no, why should I? I don't need it." Raihan giggled:"I'm here if you change your mind." Seikatsu blushed a bit, but she drank her cocktail, then Ninetails jumped on her with the anterior paws, and she petted Ninetails' head. Latios rolled his eyes, but he knew that Seikatsu was getting softer slowly.

After having dinner, Seikatsu made coming back all of her Pokémon, meanwhile Banette and Zoroark accepted to ride Raihan's Flygon. He went on Latios instead, with Seikatsu. Even though they were flying quietly, Raihan let out a long breath, observing amazed the colourful clouds and sky with orange, red and yellow shades due to the sunset. He smiled, then:"You know Seika, it's really awesome flying on Latios. I'd really like to own an Eon Pokémon: flying on one of them, I think that it gives you completely different and unique sensations, although it's a unique Dragon Pokémon itself." Seikatsu nodded, as she wasn't in trance due to the alignment with Latios, so she heard him:"I ride Latios since I have memory, although I've ridden different Pokémon, with him I have a special and unique bond. But in general, we have it 'cause he's been my first Pokémon ever." Raihan added:"Well, with telepathy, it's easier, right?" At this point, Latios answered:"Fine, I can talk too. But I choose my interlocutories d unlike the other two." Raihan got desmayed, meanwhile Seikatsu petted her Pokémon's head:"My Latios can talk, but he does more the consciousness' voice."-"Yep, because if it wasn't for me, you and the other two little misters would have been got in a bunch of troubles already." Raihan laughed, then he concluded:"I've got the sensation that tomorrow we're going to see awesome stuff."-"Yeah, with Ban and Zoro, I can be a beast during the fight."-"I can't wait to see you." Raihan hugged Seikatsu from behind, laying on her, surrounding her waist with his arms. Seikatsu blushed, but she didn't say a word, happy that he still hugged her, even though they had a little fight before.

When they came back to Raihan's home, he went to change, meanwhile Seikatsu was curiousing in his library, noticing that they had very similar tastes in books. She noticed one that was really interesting, but it was in a high shelf and she wasn't able to reach it: Banette limited to laugh at her, as Latios was outside with Zoroark and Delphox, carrying the couple around. Seikatsu was ready to throw Banette outside the window, when Raihan came back and took the book for her:"It's not like when you covered my mouth, getting on your feet tips. This shelf is even higher." Seikatsu accepted the help:"At least you're kind, unlike someone else. Right, Ban?" Banette shrugged:"I should have fun somehow, or am I wrong?" Seikatsu growled and pointed a finger to him:"You sleep on the couch. You don't go on the bed." Her thread didn't work out:"Better this way. With the vibe that you two are taking, it's better that the bedroom's door is closed. I don't wanna be on the bed, neither in the middle of you two. Especially in the middle! Then Zoro's away, I have more space." Seikatsu was ready to beat him up, but Raihan put a hand on her shoulder and stopped her:"Come on, let him be. Don't beat him up, otherwise how will you battle Allister tomorrow?" Seikatsu sighed and followed him in the bedroom, with Banette who shouted:"The door!"-"Close by yourself, damn puppet!" Banette sneered and closed the door with Psychic.

Before sleeping, Seikatsu and Raihan started to read together the book she had chosen: for comfort, she sat in front of him lying her back on his chest, meanwhile he put his chin on her head. They spent two hours  reading, then Seikatsu interrupted their reading session:"I didn't expect that you'd like reading."-"Just cause I adore taking pics, and I'm aware that I'm charming, doesn't mean that I'm stupid. Or that I like reading stupid stuff." Seikatsu signed:"Yes, sorry. I forget that you must take memory pics, that's your thing."-"Exactly, as throwing any living being outside the window is your thing." Raihan laughed, meanwhile Seikatsu just smiled, trying to leave Raihan with the doubt, but he knew that she was laughing. For sleeping, Raihan wanted to leave to Seikatsu some space, as he gave her that very particular good morning, also involuntatily, from days in a row and for this he gave her his back. Initially, Seikatsu seemed appreciating this, but then after ten minutes she felt that something was missing, as for her was normal sleeping in a hug, so she sticked to his back, hugging him from behind. Raihan didn't fall asleep because Seikatsu was rolling over and over in the bed, and he jumped when she hugged him. He smiled and turned slightly his head:"You can't sleep if I don't hug you, and then there's nothing between us, huh?" Seikatsu sinked her head into his back:"I always hug Ban."-"Yep, but I'm not Ban. Luckily, it's a different thing. Anyway, don't freak out tomorrow if you find the involuntary surprise tomorrow morning."-"No, I won't freak out, I promise." Raihan turned around and held her to his chest, all happy. Seikatsu fell asleep a bit later.

The next day, Seikatsu and Raihan made woken up by Banette and Zoroark that rocked them:"Wake up, lovebirds! Today, it's our glorious momeeAAAAARGH!" Seikatsu punched both of them on their faces:"What the fuck are you doing?! What a glorious moment, I'll bury the two of you!" Raihan didn't say anything, he preferred to not intervene as he didn't want to get thrown too.

Seikatsu and Raihan flew to Stow-on-Side riding Latios, which got some sleep although he had carried Zoroark and Delphox for a good part of the night. Raihan saw Seikatsu more motivated, relaxed and in a good mood too, with lot of enthusiasm. At this round, Raihan was alone with Latios at the stands, with Korrina and Bea too, as Seikatsu was bringing Banette as a backpack and Zoroark that was following her swaying, when they went on the battlefiled all together, in front of Allister. Raihan understood that Latios kept a balance in Seikatsu: with Banette and Zoroark's energy that they manifestating in her, they made her creepy and ready to destroy everything. Even Allister found her creepy a lot, as he started quite shaking.

The battle started with cromatic Umbreon against Cursola. Seikatsu's Umbreon won with few attacks, because he was fast and able to dodge. After him, it was Trevenant's turn against Polteagast, and the first one won. Allister sent out Chandelure, hoping to attack Trevenant and defeat him, but Seikatsu sent out Obstagoon that put Allister against a wall thanks to his Normal-Type. Raihan filmed Obstagoon and Umbreon's matches and sent the video to Piers, sure that his ex-colleague would had appreaciate it. When it was Decidueye's turn and Runerigurs, Seikatsu used the special and exclusive Move Z of Decidueye that knocked out the opponent. Then, against Dusknoir, Seikatsu sent Zoroark:"Bring it on, fatty cyclops!" Raihan filmed the match, with Zoroark's catchphrase included. Zoroark fought, showing off a great maestry, showing that he was much stronger than Obstagoon and Umbreon. Using Fury Swipes mixed to Shadow Claw was enough to knock out Duskonoir:"Just cause you know Drain Punck, doesn't mean you can knock me out." Zoroark commented, as he gave his back to the opponent and running to Seikatsu, sitting next to her on the ground:"Good, let's go with the grand finale. Ready, Ban?"-"You can bet it, lil' girl!" Banette went on the battlefield, and Allister sent out Gengar. He made it Gigamax. Seikatsu and Banette looked at each other in the eyes, and she triggered the Megaevolution:"I AM POWERFUUUUUL!" Banette shouted, throwing a strong spectral cry:"Bring it on, stupid black hole." He added, with his voice which was more spectral and lugubrious, made sounding like this due Megaevolution. Allister tried to make Gengar attack, but Banette threw him Shadow Ball in series, then:"Ban, now!"-"Got it! Take this and bye-bye!" After a Shadow Ball in the face, Banette used Phantom Force, and when he reappered he used Fury Swipes mixed with Shadow Claw and knocked out Gengar:"You can't defeat a Ghost like me." Banette said, as he was looking at Gengar falling on the ground. Seikatsu hugged her Pokémon very happily, then Allister gave her the Ghost Badge:"You've been amazing. Your bond with Ghost-Types is really admirable. I've never seen any Trainer not expert of this Type beign so able like you. I want this Badge to be the symbol of my respect and deep admiration." Seikatsu smiled and ruffled his hair, then:"Here you go, this is a Key Stone and this is Gengarite. Use it sometimes, especially during battles where you can't Dynamax. Accept it as a sign of my respect." Allister gave her a fast hug and disappeared mysteriously. Seikatsu didn't question and smiled.

Defeated both Stow-on-Side's Gym Leaders, Seikatsu and Raihan took a memory pic with Allister and Bea, and Banette decided to give to Allister a Pokéball with inside Shuppet and also a Banettite:"I like you kiddo, go causing problems and desperation to everyone! Make proud the Ghost-Type!" Allister hugged Banette and rehugged Seikatsu, jumping on her. After that hearwarming scene, and having eaten all together the sweets Korrina brought for everybody, Seikatsu and Rahain went to the Wild Area in order to find the party to challange Bede at Ballonlea, then they went to Hammerlocke to cheer for Drake.

Raihan X OC Tsundere! (Pokémon SWSH Eng Version🇬🇧)Where stories live. Discover now