Chapter 24: Another break day

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That morning, Seiktsu and Raihan didn't wake up too late nor too early. Raihan stayed happily in that position, but Seikatsu felt her bladder complaining again, although her cheeks were on fire. She sighed resigned, and when she tried to detach from Raihan's handle, he woke up, and he didn't want at all to let her go:"Mmmh... Mmmh!" Raihan muttered, annoyed, holding Seikatsu even more, but she wanted to detach and go to the bathroom:"Come on, ducky, let me go! I must go to the bathroom, then I'll come back!" Raihan opened his eyes and gazed her: he made a grin and deeped down his face in her chest even more. Seikatsu jumped blushing, and she had the impulse to punch his head, but instead of doing it she limited to grumble, then she decided to bring out her dragonish force and started to wiggle out from him, growling and crawling out the bed, with Raihan who was trying to keep laughs to himself, then he started to laugh more and more, as she managed to reach the edge on the bed, with him who was hugging her from behind, but due to laughs Raihan got weaker and Seikatsu fell off from the bed:"Oh, sorry Seika! Are you okay, baby?" He asked, smiling and keeping laughing, meanwhile she rolled her eyes, sat on the floor:"Yep, I'm fine. I've fallen from higher points, don't worry."-"I'm sorry, by the way."-"Yeah, I see it by how you laugh, dummy." Raihan laughed again, but in the end, Seikatsu laughed too. Simply, she was trying to hide it. She got up and wore Raihan's sweatshirt, like it was a dress, and went to the bathroom. Raihan found her marvelous with his sweatshirt on, and when she got out from the bathroom and came back to bed to him, he took her on his lap, meanwhile he was sitting on the bed:"I must be on your lap?" Seikatsu commented:"Well girl, yesterday you didn't seem so picky, you didn't detach at all, instead. Plus, I think that someone got offended cause I layed on one side, or am I wrong?" Seikatsu blushed and looked away:"Know that it has been a beautiful wake-up! If you could do it more often, maybe without..." Seikatsu shutted him up, blushing a lot:"No, it won't happen, cut it out." Raihan looked at her raising an eyebrow, full of doubts about that they wouldn't had reached that point, because the way was clear and talking by itself, but the boy didn't say a word because his mouth was shutted, also because he knew that was useless to contradict Seikatsu with that stuff.

That day was raining, and as a matter of fact when they got up, they didn't make any effort to get dressed: Raihan literally picked up the first pair of the tracksuit's pants, which he found as he had opened the wardrobe, meanwhile Seikatsu just wore his sweatshirt again. When they had breakfast, Zoroark and Banette started to make weird noises, because the rain impeded them to go out, so there wasn't anything interested to do, so Zoroark started to murmur, followed by Banette:"One windoooooow."-"Another windooooooooow." Raihan almost choked with his coffee and looked at Seikatsu perplexed, and she replied to him:"When bored, they count windows like this. They're very annoying when they act like this. They are funny the first five minutes, then you really desire to throw them outside the so-called windoooow." Raihan laughed, and they kept having their breakfast with their counting windows background, although Banette and Zoroark were laying on their backs and looking at the roof. Seikatsu was thoughtful, as she was reflecting about what had happened the evening before, and also about how the bet with Raihan was totally useless: those two, without having established any deal of any kind, they had really started to date with the excuse of the endorsment to the Gym Challenge and having him as a guide. Raihan moved her a lock of hair, which was about to fall in her plate of the breakfast, and she jumped:"Seika, everything's okay? I see you so thoughtful." She nodded but decided to lie:"I was thinking about what we could do today. Why don't we go to visit your grandpa?" Raihan jumped:"How do you know it?"-"Grandpa Drake doesn't keep silence on this kind of thing. He's really sad too. Then, I figured out that he would like to congratulate us: to me for my victory and to you for your absurd outfit."-"But you liked it. Your pupils got dilated when you saw me, even when you had lights on you." Seikatsu stayed in silence, drinking her coffee, then Raihan sighed:"But yes, my mysterious commissions are the visits to my grandpa at the hospital. Unfortunately, he isn't very well. Maybe after lunch we can go. The rain will be calmed down a bit." She nodded, and after having finished their breakfast, they came back to the bedroom where they were reading, going ahead with the book that Seikatsu had chosen from the bookcase. Knowing the situation, Seikatsu became sweeter and more tender with Raihan, as she didn't feel at all to use her mechanical defence's system with him, as he was already feeling down by himself.

The hardest part for them was finding the will to get dressed. After lunch: they would had got out in underwear, but for decorum, they got dressed. Seikatsu avoided wearing studs and skulls, dressing black only and went to the hospital, and for that occasion, the freedom trio accepted to come back inside the Pokéball for the journey. When they entered into the grandpa's room, who was looking outside the window, and when he turned to them, he smiled very happily:"My boy! Seika! It's so nice to see you two together! Seika, tell me you've got Latios too, show him to me, please!" Seikatsu smiled and sent out Latios, then she told him:"Latios, speak." Latios used telepathy:"Fine, I've activated the telepathy. Mr Raihan's grandpa, do you remember me?" Raihan's grandpa got amazed:"Aaaah, Eons Pokémon are marvelous! I would really like to see Latias too! I wonder if there's one... Latios, try to go out and use the Eon Calling! If there's a Latias in this region, she'll reply to you!" Latios nodded, becoming invisible and flew around the hospital, going out from the roof and threw his Eon Calling, waiting to receive an answer. In the meantime, Raihan and Seikatsu chatted with the grandpa:"Ah my boy, you dressed as Latios! Seika should dress as Latias! When you'll get married, you must get dressed as Reshiram and Zekrom!" The two blushed, but Raihan murmured:"Grandpa, don't press us, come on. We're not even a couple yet."-"Yes, you are!"-"You've decided that."-"No, me and Drake have. You're a couple, that's it! Anyway, dear Seika, you're really phenomenal! I can't wait to see your match against your old man! And my boy, pay attention to Dray: even though he's a Gym Leader, he's really strong. Once, me, him, and Drake were the strongest of ever, although Drake always defeated us. I see you've taken from him the talent, dear Seika." Seikatsu nodded, then Raihan's grandpa commented:"Yes, but also in the battles against the Gyms, you're really terrible! Especially with Melony! I've never laughed so much!" Seikatsu found Raihan's grandpa very bizarre, but she was really happy to see him happy and cheerful, although his condition.

Latios came back inside, and Seikatsu dried him, with Raihan, who gave her help:"Seika, I've found Latias. She's in a place called Crown Tundra, in a snowy zone, and it seems she's really scared. She needs help, indeed." Both Seikatsu and Raihan felt the need to intervene immediately, and the grandpa didn't hesitate:"Children, go. Save her and bring her here. I would really like to see the Eons Pokémon together!" The two guys nodded. They told him goodbye and ran to the Hammerlocke's station in order to reach the Crown Tundra.

Raihan X OC Tsundere! (Pokémon SWSH Eng Version🇬🇧)Where stories live. Discover now