Chapter 37: The best nocturne flight

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That night Seikatsu spent it trying to cheer Raihan, Zoroark and Banette up, but they were fine and they knew that the next morning they would had been better, but she didn't spare affection to Zoroark and Banette, and when the mother of the first disappeared into the fog, Seikatsu surrounded Zoroark's shoulder with her arm and pulling him close to her, as she was holding Banette with the free arm. Latios came to cheer up too with his snout, meanwhile Latias did the same with Raihan, then Tapu Fini reappeared and made the fog disappear completely.

Seikatsu and Raihan jumped on Latios' back, and flew until Exeggutor Island, with Latias that carried Banette and Zoroark, turned into a Zorua. Raihan held Seikatsu, and layed on her back, as she was a bit bended ahead. She felt the boy's weight on her, but she didn't say anything loud, inciting telepathically Latios to accelerate. Once they came back home, Banette looked for Mimikyu meanwhile Zoroark went to look for Delphox, their partners. Seikatsu and Raihan cuddled up in the bed, before falling asleep, with Raihan who had his head on her breasts, as she was caressing his head, making him getting relaxed and he squeezed her slightly with little intervals, without hurting her. At some point, Raihan sighed in a mixture of sadness and relief:"Thanks, Seika, for having let me greet my grandpa as I wished. I feel much better. No girl is better than you." Seikatsu blushed a lot, smiling:"I-I'm glad! No one has never told me these kinds of things. Everybody has always been afraid of me, and they never went beyond my barrier."-"Not that you've made it thin, I've fatigued a lot. It never happened to me that I had to fight to conquer a girl. Since I've had success, basically everything was obtainable, and that tired me out. No one of the girls that I've dated or that want me are like you. I'm not dumb, I wouldn't trade you for anyone else." Seikatsu held him stronger, making him almost suffocating, although he didn't complain too much about it:"Neither I would trade you for someone else. I feel better since I've accepted my feelings and staying with you. In the end, I had to find someone who would behave like I do with Dragon-Types Pokémon. You've been the first one to do it, or maybe you're the first one I've ever accepted." Raihan smiled:"It doesn't matter if I was the first one to try to break your armour, but it's important that you've accepted me. You're peevish and closed, but it's known that the best Dragon-Types Pokémon are the toughest ones!"-"Also, those apparently dumb are the best ones." Raihan lifted his head and they started kissing, and Seikatsu let him running his hands whenever he wanted to, but she blocked his hand when it went too low:"I-I still don't feel it, I'm sorry." She said, feeling guitly too, but Raihan smiled and caressed her head:"No, you don't have to feel sorry at all, baby! If you don't feel it, you don't! When you're ready, you'll tell me. As you needed time to date me, you need time for this too. I don't wanna do anything that could compromise you, also because it's a pleasant thing, so it mustn't be a trauma, let's be clear. So, don't apologise." Seikatsu hugged him, smiling happily, then they fell asleep hugging each other.

The next day, Seikatsu and Raihan woke up in the late morning, but without Banette and Zoroark's presence. Seikatsu concluded that the two were with their partners around Alola. Meanwhile, Latios and Latias were sleeping together on the carpet where he was used to sleep: they came after her, and Raihan fell asleep. Seikatsu felt a bit guilty for having ridden Latios for a long time, so she decided that she would had bothered another Pokémon to fly around for the region. At this turn, Seikatsu decided to bring Raihan to Akala Island, the biggest island on the region, in order to visit Konikoni City and then showing him Brooklet Hill, her peaceful place, although she used to go there by night. To reach Konikoni City, Seikatsu called their Flygons and flew there with them.

Once they came to the city, Raihan started taking pics, also to post on social media, and had the pleasure to meet Olivia, the Island Kahuna, who complimented him for the match he had with Seikatsu, as Olivia had watched it on live stream, as she still had in her mind the vivid image of Seikatsu's Kommo-o that had destroyed her party, without making too much efforts: Raihan wasn't surprise that Seikatsu had been a nightmare for Island Kahunas too, and as Seikatsu was playing with Olivia's Lycarnoc Midday Form, Raihan went into Kahuna's jewellery shop, looking through the glass to find something that Seikatsu might liked: it wasn't easy, as she had different tastes from other girls, so finding something for her was a tough adventure, but at the same time he could make a very fast skimming. He didn't take too much time to find a choker with a shining silver half moon, and knowing that Seikatsu in Alola was known for having made reborning the Moon Pokémon, and in Sinnoh she had been able to help Cresselia too, always linked to the moon, he thought that choker was perfect for her: he bought it and made it being packed, and luckily the pack was small enough to stay in his pocket, so it was easy to hide it. He thanked that Seikatsu didn't notice at all his abscence, as she was too busy to play with Pokémon:"So Seika, are we going to Brooklet Hill?"-"Huh? Ah yeah, let's go. By the way, have you always been here?"-"Nope, I've wandered a bit. You seemed so happy to play with this Lycanroc, so I let you be. You're so adorable when you're with Pokémon and don't thread no one to kick their ass!" Seikatsu giggled and punched him slightly on his arm:"Come on, don't say this. I'm not nervous and angry all the time."-"Meh, I doubt it. But you don't scare me at all, as until proven I'm bigger than you."-"You are indeed, but I reach your weak spot, and I punched Dragons Pokémon that were three, or even four, times bigger than you."-"Fine, you've won, cute shorty." Seikatsu growled:"How you've just called me, sorry?!"-"You've heard me well, cute shorty! Eh eh eh eh!" But Raihan was already running away, with Seikatsu ready to chase him and beat him up, and the boy jumped on his Flygon, and Seikatsu followed him with her Flygon. The chase lasted for a while, with Seikatsu that was cursing him, all furious, meanwhile Raihan had tears by laughing, then they landed on Brooklet Hill, and Raihan kept running until he could, and when he found just water in front of him, he turned to Seikatsu who jumped on him, ready to beat him up, but he dodged her and Seikatsu fell into the water:"This has been really funny!" Raihan said, smiling and giving her a hand:"Tsk, thanks that when I'm on rage mode, I don't reason. No one who called me shorty has survived."-"Yeah, yeah, I don't believe that you've ever killed someone." Seikatsu grabbed Raihan's hand, and he lifted her up, but then she threw her wet hair in his face in act of spite. Only after when she was done by wringing out her hair and tank top, and after having sat on Lapras which carried them into the deepest part of the Brooklet Hill, Raihan pulled Seikatsu close to him, who was pretending to be offended:"What do you want, pain in the ass?"-"Pain in the ass... Calling this way who knows how to surprise you, sounds really stupid." Seikatsu looked at him perplexed:"What you're talking about?"-"Here you go!" Raihan pulled out the small pack from his pocket, Seikatsu blushed and all her fake anger disappeared completely: she thanked him and started to unwrap it, and her eyes shone for happiness, with a smile that confirmed her reaction. Raihan put his hands behind his head, with a proudly smile:"See? I've told you that calling me this way didn't make sense."-"No, but it doesn't change that you can be asphyxiating."-"Hear me out, it's 50-50, we're an equal couple. Come here, I'll hook it. Lift up your hair." Raihan wanted to do a cute thing, but those so small hooks of women's jewlery created some bother and perplexity for some seconds, with Raihan cursing and Seikatsu that tried to suffocate laughs. In the end, he managed to hook the choker, and he complimented her, who smiled and kissed him on his cheek:"On my cheek, for real? Seriously?"-"Yes, cause you've made me get angry and fall into the water."-"No babygirl, it doesn't work this way."-"And it does, instead."-"Come here!"-"Eh eh eh, no!" Raihan was about to catch her, but with a whistle, she called her Flygon and jumped on her, with the boy that almost fell into the water. Raihan grumbled, throwing his arms behind his head, with an offended expression:"Tsk, well, I'm aware that I'm charming, so it's your loss." Seikatsu giggled and made Flygon get closer to Raihan, then she sticked out to kiss him like he wanted:"Happy now?"-" "Mmmh, yeah. Let's go to have a cocktail?" Seikatsu nodded, and they went to Heahea City.

When they came back to Exeggutor Island, the two Flygons let them off with a bit of violence, just to bother them and went away. Raihan and Seikatsu giggled and had dinner together with Latios and Latias, which welcomed them, happy to see them again.

When late night came, with stars and moon in the sky, Seikatsu got up from the couch and took Raihan's wrist, who was posting pics for his social profile and looked at her confused:"Come on Rai, let's go!"-"Huh? What you want to do?"-"Nocturnal flight!" Raihan smiled and got up, letting her drag him out, then riding Latios, which carried them in a few time at the Altar of the Moone, in Poni Island. When Seikatsu got off, from her backpack that she had brought with her, she took out a flute with Lunala's symbol. Latios gave a sign to Latias to follow him and flew away, let those two alone, meanwhile Seikatsu started to play the flute, with Raihan still a bit confused and saw that the melody had called a very weird Pokémon: Lunala appeared making it being heard, and Seikatsu put the flute back and ran to it:"Lunala! It's nice to see you again! I'm glad to see that you're fine!" Lunala made caresses with its snout and lovely cries to Seikatsu, then Seikatsu went to Raihan, took his hand and dragged him towards the Pokémon:"Lunala, he's Raihan! Lunala it's the female Cosmog's evolutions, and the Tapus had given a Cosmog to me in order to raise it up to become Lunala!"-"Hi Lunala, nice to meet you! If I'm not wrong, it's a Psychic and Ghost-Type, right? I'm not surprised why Tapus had chosen you! Anyway, it's really amazing!" Lunala giggled pleased by the compliment, then looked at Seikatsu, they understood each other, and Lunala flew away. Seikatsu took Raihan's hand and started to run and then jumped into the void from the Altar, with Raihan, who shouted:"Seikaaa! What you're doing?! AAAAAH!" The two landed on Lunala, laying on their chests. Meanwhile, Seikatsu and Lunala were laughing, but Raihan didn't agree:"It wasn't funny at all! You could warn first!"-"Come on! Chill down! Get ready to twirl in the void!"-"Yeah, look, now that you've told me I'm calmer." He said sarcastically, but he stopped complaining when he felt Lunala's warmth, which relaxed him, then he saw Lunala going higher than the clouds, seeing a sea of stars that were encircling the moon: in that moment Raihan understood that Seikatsu was staying in Alola for its nocturnal sky and its ineffable beauty. Seikatsu was as amazed as him, although she had spent two years seeing it almost every night, and the two got lost in the silence of that nocturnal flight on Lunala. Seikatsu realised that it was the first time she had someone with her during a nocturnal flight, who wasn't a Pokémon, and that in a very important moment for her, she had beside her a boy who loved her, so she had an absurd epiphany. She took his hand and layed her head against his, Raihan smiled and gave attention to her back. Lunala let them quiet for a while, then with a pirouette made them falling into the void: Raihan let himself falling, giving his back to the ground, holding Seikatsu's hand in order to pull her close to him and held her by her her waist, meanwhile she put her hands on his shoulders and they kissed, falling into the void, feeling the fall like the time got slow. They didn't fall as much as they thought, than they had been taken back by Lunala, which passed under them. They kept playing into the sky, falling in the void various time for being caught back by Lunala, until the Pokémon let them off at Poni Plains, nearby the Resolution Cave's entrance, and although Raihan started to tease Seikatsu, she pushed him into the water, but he took her wrist and dragged her with him. Raihan fell sat into the water, which wasn't deep at all, and Seikatsu fell on him, and instead of getting angry, they both laughed.

They wandered around and teased each other for a while, until Latios and Latias came, so they Megaevolved them and kept flying at an almost supersonic speed and twirled recklessy with them, then the Eon Duo brought them at home, at Seikatsu's room balcony. Raihan got off from Mega Latias first and took Seikatsu in bridal-style, carrying her to the bedroom. The Eon Duo read their Trainers' mind, so they understood that the house had to be empty. Latios closed the window door with his psychic powers, as him and Latias came back to their original forms, then they flew away, regretting to have read their Trainers' thoughts.

At his round, Seikatsu murmured, very red and embarrassed, that she felt to go beyond. Raihan got surprised:"You sure?"-"Y-yes, I feel it. If I don't throw myself into it, I'll never do it. I-I must do this way." Raihan smiled and started to cuddle her:"Don't worry babygirl, I'll go easy on you. If something hurts or you don't like it, tell me it immediately, okay? I've got experience, but this kind of stuff is subjective, so stop me if it's necessary. If I overstep your boundaries, stop me." Seikatsu nodded:"Y-you want me to do you something?"-"Only if you're up to it. We've got time, and when you're more confident with this aspect, we'll do more other things. No hurry. Let's go gradually." Seikatsu nodded and let Raihan, with his previous experience, exploring her body with his hand first, followed by his tongue, then they passed to the real and proper act, with protections, of course. Seikatsu felt lot of very strong emotions, meanwhile Raihan had more self-control, but he managed to make Seikatsu passing a more than pleasant first time but a lot satisfying for him too.

Raihan X OC Tsundere! (Pokémon SWSH Eng Version🇬🇧)Where stories live. Discover now