Chapter 35: Vacancy at Alola

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Seikatsu didn't want to go to the room, neither she wanted to sleep and she was attempted to deflect Latios and starting a night fly, but Latios had read her mind and sighing, he cut all of her hopes:"No Seika, no night flies."-"Come ooooon, I'll go with another Pokémon then." She concluded, offended, but Latios rolled his eyes and he pushed her strongly with his snout, making her falling down in the room, where Raihan was waiting for her, sat with crossed legs on the bed as he was managing his social accounts, and when he saw her falling down, he threw the phone on the bed  with nonchalance, and he got closer to Seikatsu:"Hey, baby! Everything's fine? Why have you fallen?"He asked, helping her to get up:"Ah yeah, everything's okay: the floor wanted to bu hugged so badly. Anyway, guess who could make me fall down like this?"-"Ehm, don't know, Ban?" Banette popped out from a wall:"Ayo! Enough with these stereotypes that if someone falls it due to a Ghost-Type! Well, yes, for the most part of the cases, like the 99%, it's our fault, but this isn't the case!" He said indignantely, then he went to make pranks by his own. Seikatsu and Raihan shrugged and giggled: even Raihan got used to the creepy and unexpected Banette's appearances.

After getting prepared to go to sleep, Raihan layed on the bed, but he found Seikatsu really awkward: since they sailed, she had been on her own, but in a way that made him thinking that she was avoiding him. As a matter of fact, to grow his doubt was that Seikatsu had sat at the round window to look outised. Raihan sighed, got up from the bed, and got close to her:"Heya, everything's okay? Maybe it's just my impression, but I think that you're avoiding me. I know that you're very particular, and maybe it's just my doubt, but I thought it was right to tell you." Seikatsu turned to him, then she smiled:"No, I'm not avoiding you. I'm sorry that I've made you feel like this. I hate staying on transports, so instead of using them, I prefer to bond even more with my Pokémon by playing and riding them. If I act this way, it's not that I'm mad at you or that I don't want you, but I want to stay with them. Now I was looking where they are." Raihan smiled, happy to feel lighter, and Seikatsu got down to hug him, making him happy even more: Raihan was used to recieve lot of attention from people, so for him was weird to be ignored, but at the same time he liked and felt fine to have a moment for breathing and wider personal space: Seikatsu didn't need too much attention, so Raihan was more free and he understood that having a break from people wasn't that bad, and after having realized all of this, he picked her up and carried her to the bed:"Fine, as you've got all the space you wanted, now I'll invade it!" Seikatsu didn't rebel:"Fine, fine. You're allowed to do it."-"Even though I wasn't, I would have done it anyway!-"I know, I'm hopeless about it."-"Ah! I've won! I've defeated you in something!" Seikatsu and Raihan laughed, then they fell asleep after a cuddling session.

Drake's ship docked at Malie City's harbour, in Ula'ula Island, Seikatsu's favourite city of the region. When they got off the ship, she and Zoroark were happy to have finished the voyage: Zoroark got bored to be always in the same place, reason why he loved running around with the joyrides. Seikatsu sent out Noivern and Dragonite, which gave them the luggage and the bag of Pokéballs, as they could bring them at Exeggutor Island. Then, she sent out Flygon and Salamence as they took care of Raihan's luggage until home. Raihan looked around amazed: Malie City remembered Johto's region for some aspects, and it was full of places to visit and catching for pics. Seikatsu instead, was gazing him as she never saw him in a tank top, or in general in summer clothes, pretty form-fitting, hearing the Latios' voice in his head:"Oh, look who's drooling now!" Seikatsu jumped and slapped him slightly on his paw, than she found the malicious looks of Banette and Zoroark that were agreeding with Latios, meanwhile Raihan and Latias were distracted by the city and taking pics together. Seikatsu thanked that those two didn't notice anything. Then, the group greeted Drake and went to explore the city.

The first step at Malie City was the clothing shop, where they changed to conform Malie City's tradition: Raihan wore a kimono with a fantasy which recalled Dragon-Type, meanwhile Seikatsu was wearing a kimono that was a mixture between Ghost and Dark-Types:"Don't you wanna wear matching clothes?" Raihan asked, thinking that it was a good idea, but Seikatsu shook her head, but seeing him doing puppy eyes, she gave up and changed idea, chainging the kimono with one that had the same fantasy of Raihan's one. As she accepted the clothing change, Seikatsu did the same with pictures. Dressed in a traditional way, Seikatsu and Raihan wandered around for the city, also Malie Garden, and the tower there. Everything was going fine, until an Araquanid appeared and scared Seikatsu, as she hid behind Raihan, who got a bit surprised without knowing what to do, but the Araquanid went away on his own, without having no one noticing it. In all of this, Zoroark had fainted on Banette, which felt pressed, and Latios charged himself to bring Zoroark on his back.

After the blunder at the Garden, and had a tour of the special culinary dishes of Malie City, for digesting everything, Raihan and Seikatsu put back their usual clothes and wandered around the island: they reached Po Town, the Ruins of Abundance of Tapu Bulu and the Lake of the Sunne. Seikatsu left Mount Lanakila, reserving it for another day. In Po Town there was Team Skull, but as they saw Seikatsu they ran away, scared, to call Guzman, although Seikatsu and Zoroark were afraid of Bug-Types Pokémon they didn't hold back, but when they looked at each other, Zoroark exclaimed:"Seika, I don't really feel it to face Bug Pokémon." Meanwhile, Raihan instead got perplexed:"Why are we here?"-"I don't know, I like ruined and abandoned places. You know, it's in this kind of place that I've met my Ghost friends."-"Indeed. This Guzman dude uses Bug-Types. Can I handle him?" Seikatsu blushed but she was torned: from one side, she liked having a boyfriend who cared about her fears, but from the other one she was too proud to be protected by someone else; but in the end she nodded, as she concluded that Raihan might had been pleased by helping her, so she let him do it. In the end, Guzman came with his usual exaggerated self-boost, and then he got defeated by Raihan. After his victory, Seikatsu and Raihan wandered for Po Town, exploring various abandoned building and meeting Dark and/or Ghost-Types, where they become friends with thanks to Banette and Zoroark's interpretations.

When evening came, Seikatsu jumped on Latios and lent her hand to Raihan, who smiled and grabbed it, then he jumped on Latios too, behind her. Banette and Zoroark, transformed into a Nickit, jumped on Latias, and she followed Latios. They flew until Exeggutor Island, and there Raihan got amazed by seeing them. The Pokémon got close to Seikatsu, curious to see the new arrivals Raihan and Latias. Raihan saw how they were so sociable and nice, although they were wild, then he thought that he was able to bond with Dragon-Types, especially with the ones that had a more friendly and docile nature. That detail didn't pass unseen, and Seikatsu had no problem to comment:"I'm not amazed that you go along so well, you're the same: you're both tall like no one else, and you've got the same dummy smile printed on your face."-"Well, the one who dies for my dummy smile, it's you, so your acid joke doesn't work!"-"Tsk, you boost yourself too much!"-"You know that your little tsundere behaviour doesn't work anymore, right? Not that it has ever worked from the start, eh eh eh eh!" Seikatsu blushed, a bit flustered and didn't dare to contradict him, meanwhile he was laughing and hugging her, trying to kiss her but she started to wiggle out and rejecting him, laughing her too. In the end, although Seikatsu was strong and a tough cookie, Raihan won the little fight:"You know babygirl, you're not the only one who had to fight physically with Dragon-Type." Raihan said, after he won, meanwhile Seikatsu was still red and got close to her door, but then she remembered that it was closed:"Baaan! Can you come in and open the door?" Banette popped out from the door:"No need to shout, I was already doing it. Meanwhile your boyfriend took any excuse to touch you anywhere." Raihan sneered, meanwhile she growled and waited for Banette to open the door and came in. Zoroark, which stayed on Latios, sneered with the Eon duo.

For the first evening, both Raihan and Seikatsu were quite tired, so after having dinner they threw on the bed in her bedroom, and Raihan observed the surrounding: the walls were purple, neon lights always purple attached to the walls, meanwhile the furnitures like the wardrobe, the bed and the writting desk were black. Although the colours were gloomy, the lights' effect was weirdly relaxing:"Seika, it's clear it's your bedroom: it seems to be in a room shared by Piers and Allister." Seikatsu giggled:"Yeah, but these two colours together relax me a lot. Especially purple. It's not a coincidence why I like admiring Poison-Types Pokémon." Raihan smiled, and laying on his back, he lenght his arm and pulled Seikatsu close to him, who snuggled up against him, laying her head on his chest. Raihan would had liked that she layed on him, but he didn't obtain what he wanted by waiting, so he had a brilliant idea: as they were laying over the blankets, and both were in underwear, Raihan lifted her up and put her on him. Seikatsu was falling asleep, and jumped for having been picked up all of a sudden, and she looked at him perplexed, with him giggling:"You know, I was cold and I wanted a blanket, but I had no gain to get up and taking it." Seikatsu smiled and leaned her head on his chest and fell asleep. Raihan cuddled her, smiling, and after he fell asleep too.

Raihan X OC Tsundere! (Pokémon SWSH Eng Version🇬🇧)Where stories live. Discover now