Chapter 38: The rest of the Alolan vacancy

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Seikatsu and Raihan woke up very late that morning: last night between the nocturnal flight and their first time dawn came. Raihan woke up in a very good mood: he hadn't had such a good awakening since a long time, and he was very happy that Seikatsu wanted to go beyond with him, although he was very satisfied by how his relationship with Seikatsu was going: it started with mistrust and embarassment from her, but then he ended up to break her armour. Seikatsu woke up a bit later, happy for the last night too, happy to have found someone who loved and appreciated her for how she was. Raihan was lying on his back, meanwhile Seikatsu was hugging him, snuggled to his chest, and when she lifted her head up, he smiled:"Good morning, sleeping dragon." Seikatsu smiled and layed her head on his chest again, without replying:"Shall we get up?" She nodded, always in silence, meanwhile Raihan caressed her head, and then they found the strength to get and dressing up.

Raihan and Seikatsu had to drink a very strong coffee cup before going to have lunch somewhere else, as no one had intention to cook. Latios and Latias slept under the stars, on a branch of a giant tree, but they came back in the morning: Latias didn't even dare to read Raihan's mind, especially after having seen Latios' expression, which had been brave enough to read Seikatsu's thoughts, confirming their hypothesis and that they did good to leave the house and staying outside. Latios thanked that at Alola it wasn't cold, and it was fine staying outside. The Eon Duo stopped questioning, but Latios communicated telepathically with Seikatsu, complimented and mocked her, sneering and getting glanced by her look. Raihan guessed what was going on telepathically between them, limitating to smile and keeping drinking his coffee, wondering where Zoroark and Banette were, and Latias telepathically told him that they were around the region with their partners. Once they finished their coffee, Seikatsu and Raihan jumped on Latios and went to Heahea City at Akala Island. During the flight, Raihan asked:"Seika, where we're going?"-"To Heahea City. The Trial Captian Mallow of Akala Island is an amazing chef for both Pokémon and people. I think that you might like her dishes, plus she's always happy to serve new clients from other regions."-"Trail Captain? Which role has she? What she does? But especially, she's Trial Captain of what?" Raihan was very confused, so Seikatsu sighed:"I'll tell you about it better as we're eating."-"Good idea." Latios and Latias landed in front of Mallow's restaurant, who went out to welcome them:"Hi Seika! It's nice to see you again! I've followed all of your matches on live stream from Galar! You were so phenomenal! I'm so proud that you moved from Hoenn to come here and that you're the first Alolan Champion!" Raihan saw that the girl was very expansive and radiant, and he expected that Seikatsu would had growled to her, but he saw her smiling:"Thanks, Mal! I've brought you a Galarian client and hotshot: Raihan, Dragon-Type Gym Leader."-"And the only one that almost defeated you, knocking out basically your entire party!" Seikatsu scowled him:"You're still number two in Galar." Raihan laughed, meanwhile Mallow giggled and invited them with a gesture of her hand:"Please, come in! It will be a great pleasure to have you here!" The couple was followed by Latios and Latias, with the first one, which was sneering for the hotshot. For this series of thoughts, Seikatsu mentally told him to fuck off, starting to realise how strong was the influence of sixteen years spent with Zoroark and Banette, but thanked that Latios was discreet unlike those two.

After lunch, both Eon Duo and the couple appreciated Mallow's dishes a lot, which Raihan wanted to take pics of before eating, and Seikatsu explained to him the Island challenge of Alola: in the four islands they had to face a trial made by a Trail Captain, then they had to defeat the Island Kahuna:"Oh, interesting. And how it is possible to identify who's doing the Island challenge?"-"They give you an island challenge amulet, then after every trial, you're given a Z Crystal. They have the same fuction as a Badge." Raihan nodded:"Mmmh... Interesting! By the way, I really appreciate a lot that you wear my Badge as a necklace!" Seikatsu blushed:"Yeah, I felt it. Maybe I'll make a bracelet with other Gym Leaders Badge who are my friends."-"Guess Piers will be there."-"Yeah. I might put Allister's one, too. For the rest, I have to think about it, as it's a symbol of maximum respect from me." Raihan showed off a proudly expression:"Yeah, I've figured out it. But I've realised your respect for a long time: you didn't threat me when Lee called you, you didn't hesitate to wear my Gym's uniform and you allowed me gradually to get to know you. Moreover, you allowed me to help you to face your Dynamax Pokémon. Seikatsu nodded, always blushing with him who was giggling, then Mallow came:"So, how's going on? You like what you've ordered?" She asked smiling, and from Latias received lovely cuddles from her snout, meanwhile Raihan and Seikatsu complimented her by words, and when they finished Raihan wanted to take a memory pic with Mallow:"I've got a big audience on social media, just to let you know that after this pic your restaurant will gain lot of clients from Galar, and you deserve them!" Exclaimed the boy, meanwhile Mallow smiled with sparkling eyes from happiness:"Really?! Thank you very much!" Mallow hugged Seikatsu instead of Raihan, exclaiming then:"Seika, I'm so grateful that you've brought me a client who is so popular!"-"Yeah, I'm happy too. But you're squeezing me a bit too much." Raihan smiled to see that Seikatsu had become less inclined to reject physical contact with other people. As Seikatsu was trying to restrain herself from wriggling out Mallow's holding, Kiawe came riding his Charizard:"Heya Mal, I've brought you the Moomoo Milk you ordere... Huh? Seika?" Mallow detached from Seikatsu and ran to Kiawe and tried to lift the metal container, but Raihan thought to do a favour himself: he and Kiawe gave to each other suspicious and challenging looks. Raihan ignored him and went to the restaurant, following Mallow to the kitchen. Seikatsu and Kiawe were alone:"Hi Kiawe, how's going?" Seikatsu asked, a bit nervous:"Huh? Yeah, hi. Everything's fine. Who's that guy? He's very bold and looks from the top to the bottom. I don't like his attitude." Seikatsu sighed: she knew both Kiawe and Raihan, and she was aware very well that those two wouldn't had got along easily:"He's Raihan, Dragon-Type Gym Leader, and my boyfriend. He's got the typical look of us Dragon Masters, if you remember I looked everybody like that." Seikatsu tried to use the Dragon Tamer excuse, but Kiawe didn't seem convinced:"I don't think it's a Dragon Master's thing. He looks like quite superficial." Raihan went out in the same moment when Kiawe said that phrase:"I'm what, sorry?" When Raihan had carried the full container into the kitchen, he had confessed to Mallow that Kiawe seemed impolite, but especially he didn't like how Kiawe had looked at Seikatsu:"Don't worry, Kiawe it's a bit this way, but in reality he's really kind and protective!" Mallow had tried to reassure him, but when they went out he heard that sentence, Raihan twitched on defensive, passing him the empty container:"Yeah, you look very superficial to me, and also one who looks from top to the bottom."-"You know, people are shorter than me usually, obviously that I have to bend my head to look at their faces. Then, if I was so superficial, do you really believe that me and Seika had got together, huh? I didn't chase her just to obtain something and then run away." The first part made Kiawe nervous for Raihan's sarcasm, but he received a Water gun from a Popplio, which appearance surprised Raihan:"Popplio! What you're doing? I see you wanted to calm down the situation, but not like this!" Lana picked her Popplio up, which was laughing and clapping his fins, happy for his prank, and Seikatsu took Raihan for his arm and tried to bring him away, but Kiawe exclaimed:"You're a Gym Leader and you'll be full of yourself, but I'm sure you wouldn't be able to take the Island challenge." Raihan felt the nerve under the eye shaking: as he got nervous for jealousy towards Piers, in that case, he got nervous for his pride. He turned to Kiawe brusquely:"Look, I was attempted to try it, now you've convinced me. I'll take the Island challenge, and I'm gonna complete it in your face! Then, I suggest you to pay attention when you speak: your mouth might be getting full of sand." Raihan told him implicitly that he was able with the Ground-Type as much as with Dragon-Type, then he turned to Seikatsu and jumped on Latios with her.

During the road to home, Raihan kept silence and held Seikatsu: she knew how the two boys were, so she didn't get irritated with him, as she knew that Raihan wasn't the one who started it. She brought him at home in order to help him to get ready for the Island challenge, but when they came into her bedroom, Seikatsu had the impulse to repeat the same experience of the last night, and when she communicated it to Raihan, the boy completely changed mood.

After the very intimate attentions, Raihan was much more relaxed and calmed, and Seikatsu was able to help him to get ready for the Island challenge:"Well, I can't find my Island challenge amulet. It might be in Zoro's fur. Let's go to find Zoro and Ban."-"Guess you can't live without them."-"No, I must admit it. Then we must find your party. Afterwards, we'll fly to Melemele Island: there you must face Trial Captain Ilima and then Kahuna Hala. Ilima's Trial can be done by day or by night, with different Pokémon that share Normal-Type. Kahuna Hala uses Fighting-Type." Raihan nodded:"I see. What shall I do? Facing the Trial by day or by night?"-"I don't know. If your Pokémon know Bug-Type's moves, I suggest you to face it by night." Raihan nodded:"All right. So, let's go to find my Pokémon! I can't see to start and prevail!" Seikatsu giggled and then told Latios to call Banette and Zoroark, and also all the Pokémon that were with Raihan's ones.

Raihan X OC Tsundere! (Pokémon SWSH Eng Version🇬🇧)Where stories live. Discover now