Chapter 39: Raihan's Island challenge

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Latios and Latias came back to Exeggutor Island, with Banette and Zoroark on their backs, alongside other Dragon-Types of Seikatsu and Raihan, in order to bring them back to him. Latios hadn't a very happy expression, as he had read Zoroark and Banette's minds and he regretted to have done it very much, moreover the two rubbed in it to make him reading their thoughts on purpose to annoy him. When Zoroark jumped down, Seikatsu got close to him:"Zoro, you've got the old Island Challenge amulet?" Zoroark thought a bit, meanwhile Raihan commented:"I see that both of you did a lot too, judging by Latios' face." Banette giggled:"Eh eh eh! It was expected. Anyway, you'll take Island Challenge, right? Well, Seika and the three of us are coming with you, obviously."-"Oh, why you two wanna come too?"-"Sure, you're part of the family now." Raihan blushed a bit, and giggled nervously, scratching his head:"Well, not really. Not at yet, at least. Let's see in some years, eh eh eh!" In the meantime Zoroark and Seikatsu were ransacking his fur in order to find the amuelt, but this wasn't popping out, so Banette rolled his eyes and jumped into the fur, grumbling and complaining about the disorder. After five minutes, he re-emerged with the amulet in his hand:"Puah! Hair everywhere! I've risked to drown to find this thing, even ugly. Here you go, and kick all Trail Captains and Kahunas' asses. We know what happened with Kiawe." Raihan got irritated, but took the amulet, thanking the Marionette Pokémon and hung the amulet to his shorts:"Good, where do we go now?"-"At Melemele Island. But you must have a Z Ring to start it, and you also need a stone which I don't remember the name, and nothing, usually a Kahuna or a Tapu gives a Z Ring, when one of the four feels to give it." As soon as Seikatsu said that, Tapu Fini and Tapu Koko came, all dancing, and Tapu Fini gave to Raihan the stone to make the Z Ring, and Banette translated what Tapu Fini had said when it gave the stone to the boy:"It said that it got touched by what it saw in the fog, then it has discovered that you wanted to take the Island Challenge, so it has decided to help you." Raihan smiled happily:"Thank you very much, Tapu Fini!" Seikatsu had disappeared to take some offers for the deities, but Raihan was perplexed by Tapu Koko's presence:"And you, Tapu Koko, why you're here?" Banette translated Tapu Koko's reply:"It said that it saw your conflict with Kiawe, and it thought that it would be interesting to test you and see what happens." Raihan sighed:"You adore drama, right?" Tapu Koko moved his head to say so and so, and Banette translated:"If it's a drama about fighting it's happy, but if it's about a love drama, it rolls its eyes and goes away, or it electrocutes everybody if it's angry."-"Now I see why it and Seika go along so well." The two deities giggled, then they went away after taking the small offers from Seikatsu:"Rai, when we go to Melemele and then to Poni islands, you'll have to give an offer for them in their Ruins."-"Huh? Sure! They deserve it totally! Well, let's go to Melemele Island! I'm curious to face Ilima. Which Type he uses?"-"Normal-Type. But you won't challenge him, but the Totem Pokémon, and both Totems Pokémon had Normal-Type. Hala uses Fighting-Type Pokémon. Maybe, as you're a Gym Leader, Hala will use a party of an Elite Four Member. At Alola's League, all Kahunas are Elite Four Members, except for Molayne." Raihan nodded, thinking already about his party, then he jumped on Latios behind Seikatsu, after he made coming back his Pokémon in their Pokéballs.

Latios and Latias flew fast towards Melemele Island, reaching Hau'oli City, where they met Kahuna Hala, Trial Captain Ilima, Professor Kukui and Hau too, Hala's grandson. By seeing that group, Raihan got a bit surprised by the diversity of the four, but he got surprised especially by the fact that Hau was Alola's League Champion:"You're the Champion, really? How old are you, little fella?"-"I'm thirteen! Then I'm the Champion just because Seika and Gladion had rejected to keep the title. Seika was the first Champion ever, then it was Gladion, and now it's me." He said, with a dummy smile on his face: Raihan found the situation very humiliating, but he shrugged and didn't question it, as the boy was happy that way, it was better for him. Seikatsu presented him to the others, and Raihan chatted with Professor Kukui: it was the first time he found a young Professor and not an eldery person. Seikatsu smiled, happy to see him so fine, then Latios came:"He adapts to situations because he's outgoing, unlike you." Seikatsu glanced at him, but she did it for half second, as she was obliged to agree with him. Moreover, Raihan gave the stone to make the Z Ring, although he had no intention to use it.

Raihan X OC Tsundere! (Pokémon SWSH Eng Version🇬🇧)Where stories live. Discover now