Chapter 32: Recovery

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Seikatsu and Raihan woke up lately the next morning, and Raihan had no intention to get up at all. Seikatsu caressed and cuddled him, hoping to make him feel better, she wanted to say words too, but she didn't know what to say. Seikatsu had never seen Raihan being particularly sad, or sad in general, so she didn't knew how the boy dealt with pain, so she limited to not make him feeling alone by giving affection to him. Usually, with her it worked, and instead of passing for a cold-hearted person, she preferred to try that way. Raihan wasn't that kind of person who shared the bad and sad side of his private life, except for his defeats in the Pokémon battles. Maybe he would had shared with his fanbase what he was struggling with after some time, but then he thought that it wouldn't had been nice publishing cute pics of him with Seikatsu at Alola, and after sharing his grandpa's memory. In the end, he decided that he would had worried about it later, as in that moment he just wanted to hug Seikatsu. She let him be and waited that he detched from her on his own, but when his bladder started to pulse and her stomach to complain, Raihan surrended and got up to go to the bathroom. Seikatsu took his phone, checking his messages: Drake and Drayden had sent condolences, then there were all the messages about the funerals and the various procedures, alongside a text from an unware Leon about what happened, asking to Raihan when Seikatsu would had taken part to the mini Torunament against him and the two new Gym Leaders from a minor division. Seikatsu just read and didn't reply, then she reached Raihan and passed it to him:"You've received various texts for the procedures about the funeral. If you need help, I'm here." Raihan smiled forcefully:"No, don't worry. You've done enough, I'm dealing with it on my own." Raihan was trying to make coffee, but his hands were shaking, and his eyes got foggy by tears again. And Seikatsu took his hand and led him to a chair, making him sit and she made breakfast. They ate it in silence, then Seikatsu broke it:"Rai, do you mind if I go to my grandpa? You know, he's really sad too. I'd like to stay close to him." Raihan smiled and stroked her head:"Sure, girl! They were friends, rivals, at least they had a good bond. I would feel broken, too, if this would happen to Lee. Losing a friend you see as a brother always hurts. Moreover, I imagine that he would be happy to see you close to him too. Don't worry, I've got my Pokémon. I won't be alone." Seikatsu nodded. She got up, she kissed him fastly, and went to change. Banette, Zoroark, and the Eon duo kept being silent, then Latios said good-bye to Latias, going out from the window, where Seikatsu jumped, with Banette as a backpack and Zoroark too. Raihan and Latias looked at them going out from the window, like doors didn't exist and weren't an option.

Seikatsu looked for her grandpa, and she found him on a tower of Hammerlocke's Stadium: Latios went there, meanwhile the Elite Four member kept his visor of the hat on his eyes. Seikatsu got off Latios, with a sad look:"Grandpa... I feel bad for what's happened. I know he was an important friend to you." Drake nodded, and Seikatsu hugged him:"It hurts me thinking that Raihan is alone now, and it hurts me the idea to have lost a great friend and rival too. I was the top of the three, he was second place, and then there was Drayden. Exactly like you proved in front of everybody: you're stronger than Raihan and Iris, but unlike you, we all three got along. Then, I was thinking about fifteen years ago, when we made you and Raihan meeting: in the beginning Raihan didn't want to know about it at all!" Seikatsu rolled her eyes:"Tsk, now he's worse than an Octillery and a Grapploct fused together. Talk about he didn't even want to meet me." Drake giggled:"Yes, meanwhile you two were in the woods playing with Pokémon, we realised, but especially we hoped that things between you two could go deeper and get better!" Seikatsu sighed:"Look, the old dodderers had the intention to manage a wedding?" Drake laughed:"Yes! The old dodderers had thought like this. But, do you see that we were right in the end? You've made a necklace with the Dragon Badge of Raihan as a pendant!" It was true: Seikatsu had taken a little chain and decided to make a new necklace with the Dragon Badge, for respect towards him and also to communicate implicitely that she had accepted every feeling about him, without denying anything and confirming that they were a couple. She blushed and looked away, with her grandpa who was laughing and stroking her head:"I'm happy for you, grandkid. Go to him, I'm an old sea dog: sailing will help me to get over everything. You know, regarding a certain age, it's still hard to endure some things." Seikatsu didn't feel to leave her grandpa alone, but then:"You'll be at the funeral?"-"Obviously. He was a Master Dragon like me, Drayden, like you and Raihan. He was a Dragon Tamer like all of us, and if he wasn't sick, he would had participated in the Tournament. He got amazed by your strength, and he complimented me for how I've raised you up, although he had cheered for his grandson until the end. I thank you to have brought Raihan to take Latias. He really adored so much the Eon duo." Seikatsu nodded, with tears, meanwhile Latios put his snout on her face, and she put her cheek on him, putting a hand on Zoroark's head and with the free one held Banette's hand. They stayed in silence on the tower for a while.

Raihan X OC Tsundere! (Pokémon SWSH Eng Version🇬🇧)Where stories live. Discover now