Chapter 1 - Shane

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Five exhausting, annoying and ridiculous days later, I was finally set free from the hospital. As nice and beautiful all of the women were, not to mention the doctor she always knew I had a thing for her, but of course she was married. And Shane does not mess around with already tied down women. I can always look..

But I wont touch it. Unless it's consensual.

Yes, I know what you are thinking; I'm a horn dog. I'm this, I'm that. Whatever, I'vbe heard it all. But one thing is for certain; Shane is a fucking gentleman.

But only to those who can keep up.

I was standing, gradually in pain. Felt as if there was a wildfire starting in my skin, spreading rapidly. I gritted my teeth from the pain on my side, bracing my hands on the shoulders of James in front of me, as we waited for the wheelchair to be rolled in. As if it was right on time, a nurse came in with the chair, James eased me in, letting me take my time.

This was unbreakable, not to mention embarrassing.

I was a grown ass man, and I could take care of myself. But here I was being treated like a human sized barbie doll. I couldn't wait to get back to the ranch. Apparently that new one - Alice? Amanda?


Apparently, Allison - or Ally - was going to be meeting us there. I had only known about this for a few short days, and had no input. No matter how much I was gonna to dislike the factI had to share my place with some complete stranger. I knew he was right. I just didn't want James to see that on my face. Fuck, this was gonna be a long three months.

"Stop looking at me like that, asshat. Don't want you crossing teams." James grinned, as he helped me sit in the chair, finally.

"James, so help me God with everything I have..." I hissed through my teeth, the pain radiating in my side now. Jesus when were these damn tablets going to kick in? I needed some relief, in more ways than one. "I will kick your ass."

"Oh really? Catch me then, cowboy." James grinned wider, plopping me in the chair, kicking my legs in the stirrups.

"Shut up, and take me home man. I'm starving." I huffed, rubbing my face with my hands.

James went to open his mouth but his phone caught him off guard with a chime. Halting in the hallway by the elevator, James tools his phone out of his jenas, swiping it open. Snorting, James typed a reply, tucking his phone away again.

"You're in luck." James called, pushing me into the elevator, pushing the L for the Lower level. "Ally will be there, and food will be made."

Groaning, I shifted slightly in the chair, as James leaned against the wall of the elevator as the numbers climbed down.

"Look, Shane, no bullshit. Give her a chance, okay? I know you like things done a certain way, and this and that. Basically, you're a high maintenance guy, and you need someone around to keep up with you. Which I can do. So for the millionth time, buddy-ol pal of mine; she knows what she's doing, she's been in this gig since she could walk. She could be a huge asset for you in your time of need. Since you don't have-"

"James, do we really have to go there?" I snipped glancing over at him. "I have understood the fact of why she's here. But you don't need to bring them into this. Not right now. I;m still livid. I'm livid im injured-"

"Shane, I get that and it's my fault but you need to understand that you can't just isolate yourself like you have. Everyone on the team hardly heard from you since that night. I won't bring it up after this so stop looking at me like that." James huffed as the elevator doors opened up to the lobby. Jaw ticking, I bit my thumb nail, keeping myself trained on something else.

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