Chapter 9 Allison

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Shane got his brace off three days ago, and I don't think I have seen anything more active than him. Well, I guess rabbits, so let's compare Shane to a Hare, shall we? The other morning after the doctor Zoom call, he gave permission to take shanes brace off, although I had to obviously do it, and get a good view of his bruises from the ribs. It wasn't something I haven't seen in a while, I saw it almost everyday changing the bandages.

    Later that day I had gotten an email from Shane's doctor to tread carefully around him, cause Shane surely was ticking. Just like everyone said. I knew an anniversary for his brother was coming up, so I had spent days in between keeping tabs on his behavior. According to Baylee, when I first got here they were damn near inseparable. And after Derek passed, Shane was completely different.

    Today was something different. Shane was just out of his norm. Sure he had the freedom to move about the farm and take care of things. But there was just something about him, around me that just - made me utterly weak. And I feel like it was starting to show, it was risky after all.

I had just stomped into the barn, back from vegetable harvest. Shane and I were doing so before Shane decided it would be a good thing to kiss me.Which, of course it was, but not if Austin was five feet away in the other direction with his back to us. Sure no one was looking, and it was - god awfully great, and made my pussy ache with more - but it was breaking everything I worked for.

Granted out of reaction, I smacked him. But it didn't phase Shane at all. His eyes were wild and his cock was straining in his jeans after I did. Austin heard it and asked what was wrong, Shane let the lie of a wasp on his face and I smacked it off. Swallowing I went along with it and excused myself to get bandaged and ointment for the stinger out of my hand.

Shane wanted to Fuck, said so himself. But given the circumstances, and almost getting caught the last time. I smacked him and took off. It was astounding Baylee didn't catch what had gone on seconds before she walked into my room.

"Tell me you don't think about it, sometimes." He blurted. And I stopped in my tracks. Not turning to face him, I flexed my hands at my sides, as I heard him push off something metal. I'm assuming the tractor.

I didn't reply. I took two more steps, past Spirit before Shane spoke again. I knew he was right, I was trying insanely hard not to give in.

    "Tell me you dont." Shane taunted, his voice closer. A shiver went up my spine, the hair on the back of my neck standing. "I know you do, that's why you can't deny it." At that remark, I turned around and looked up at him. My face is red with heat.

"Is that what you think?" I scoffed. "You think I'm just going to do what you say because that's what you think?"

  Shane stepped incredibly closer, the outline of his abs showing gracefully in the light of the day. His shirt was tucked in his pants, hung loose on his hips, and his cock was still strained. I swallowed.

"It's what I can tell. But it's what I know." Shane shrugged.

    "I don't have to explain shit to you, Shane. The only reason I am here is to take care of you full term. I get you're feeling better and able to move around but I am obligated to report your movements and-"

    "My movements?" He scoffed, stepping closer, as a drop of sweat dripped down his chest and torso.

My eyes bounced back and forth between his eyes and the sweat dropped till it disappeared right above his navel. His body was gorgeous, I was not going to deny it. I bet it felt good too. To hold, to hug, to claw and scratch. I bit my lip but snapped out of it.

My mouth was open to speak, before Shane's nose brushed mine, and his voice was so deep, my pussy was crying for more.

    "You haven't seen my movements yet, darling."

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