Chapter 18 - Shane .

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The night I got home, everything changed. And God did I fucking hate rapid change.

    I don't remember much. Other than the fact Wrangler almost outed me in front of Liam, and Austin who of which was trying to keep me from killing the fucker. The kid gave me the green like and that would mean to go ahead and create mayhem. Wrangler wanted a stormen well he was sure as hell in the eye of it. I don't even think I felt thi smooch rage towards someone. Someone like this potlicker.

Someone like Jack.

He had everything and more coming to him. Every nerve ending inside of my body was willing to give it all, to see him fall and cry his little fucking eyes out like the baby he really was.

    "What the hell was that? I told you to remember where we were, Marshall." Liam muttered, shaking his head.

    "Nothing like a little aggressive sala dancing." I grinned. Liam rolled his eyes.

    "You could have been fined, you know."

    "So? What do I care? There's plenty of videos of me getting into shit with others over the years. This one isn't any different." I clipped, my annoyance growing.

    "I mean that's true, but it's not." Liam corrected.

Liam swiped the cloth from my hand and wrung the blood out. Rinsing it then under cool water, handing it back to me. My back was to him as I looked in the mirror at the bathrooms, inspecting the damage that was done.

    Which wasn't much.

"What are you saying?" I pressed. Meeting his eye in the mirror, Liam shook his head running a hand through his hair.

    "The prick is the owner's kid. I know it don't mean much to you, but you know how the asshole loves to switch around words." Liam cringed. "Hell for all we know he could be whining to his kiss ass dad right now."

    I Shrugged and replied, "Let him."

    "How can you just let someone talk about you like this and not do something about it?" Licking his lips Liam stuffed his hands into the back pockets of his jeans; I could see the thoughts being processed in his reflection.

    "Not unless it was someone you loved... then you..holy fuck."

    Our eyes locked in the mirror, and my muscles tensed.

    "You're fucking the nurse arent you?" Liam whispered. Nothing was said, but everything was heard. Liam's mouth opened and closed before speaking again, "And I'm guessing James doesn't know about this?"

    "Nor does he need to."

    "Why? It's against your contract." Liam pressed. "She could lose her license because of you."

    "Well, when that stone does come she won't even leave the house. She will be moving in with me regardless. Besides, it's not like you would snitch to James about Ally and I anyway." I shrugged. Liam's eyes narrowed.

    "Why not?"

A grin was on my face and I worked cleaning the blood from my face. A bloody lip, and broken nose but easily adjusted back into place. The fucker tried to hit me in my weak spot - my ribs - by kicking his chicken legs at me. I could have wrangled his ass faster than any other man in the cattle wrangling competitions. And boy, were them fuckers were fast...

    But not fast enough.

    "Because I've caught you once or twice making your way into my truck with Emma.. Not to mention that one-"

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