Chapter 11 - Shane

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Coming up the drive, I noticed James' truck was gone. I sighed heavily, my shoulders sinking with relief. Thank God. I really didn't want to face him. I guess Emma had broken the news in subtle hints to me that she knew about Allison and I. But she didn't make herself known. All I woke up too was a steaming cup of coffee, a vet telling me a foal would be coming any day now, Emma's nose being in the wrong places and I didn't even have the time to rub the sand out of my eyes. The closer I got, the more I realized Allison was by herself now. I bet he told her everything. No wonder I haven't seen her all day. My chest actually ached to see a glimpse of her. But no. She stayed away.

Which was fine. I didn't need anyone. I didn't want any....I... I didn't...

Stopping against an Oak tree, I leaned on it, steading my breathing. My chest started to ache. Not a bad ache, but more like a hopeful ache.

I didn't want anyone.

Did I?

I only needed myself. Although, the last few weeks... have been different. I had a yearning to have a presence with me, no matter the time of day, but didn't want to be any of the children that came and went as they pleased.

It needed to be her. It was selfish of me taking her those last few times, but it was necessary. It was needed, and it was fun. Also consensual. I honestly did not see the problem with all of this. Sure it was a contact, but it was stupid fucking paper that could be used against her and ruin her career. Everything she worked hard for, would be gone in an instant. I needed to stop. I really did. I was letting my dick make my choices for me, and I couldn't do it. I was going to stop. Tonight. Right now. I groaned, running a hand through my hair, as I stood at the entrance of the house. Seeing her pace back and forth in the kitchen.

The lights were dimmed, only the moon and a couple of candles were lit. Her skin was kissed to life with light when she would walk by. Then she grabbed a plate out of the cupboard, along with a fork from the drawer, and swayed her way to the fridge. Yeah I can see everything from here. Stuffing my hands in my pockets, I watched. No one was here to stop me, no one was around to tell me to quit. This was my house. My rules. Besides, it's not like she can get far from me even if she were to be released from her duties.

My cock twitched, as I watched her bend over, her ass in a perfect heart, she grabbed the pie setting it on the counter. Cutting a sliver and placing it on her plate she bent back over, putting the pie back, my cock throbbed. I reached into my sweats and pulled it into my waist hand, hissing feeling the contact.

My cock twitched as Trooper, my pride and joy whined at my feet. Looking down, I rubbed his head between his ears, taking off his collar. Shaking his fur he trotted off into the house, only to have Allison turn and scrunch down and rub his ears.

My lips curled into a small smile watching her. She would look good here. Tending the horses, mucking stalls, making dinner, washing my back, laying on hers saying my name. I huffed, swallowing the dirt in my throat, I took each step up into the house, as Allison stood, and locked eyes with me. Instant fury in her eyes. And I couldn't help but be a little turned on.

So much for the pep talk.

"You know, Ally-" I started.

"Allison." She spat, her hands flexing at her sides. "We've been through this. Why do you do that? Not listen when someone tells you what they don't like? Why do you go against what I say and ignore me? What is so hard to understand?"

"I understand it." I deadpanned. "But I dont give a shit about anything anymore. I haven't for a long time."

"So you wouldnt give a shit about everyone's opinions when they find out that you were sleeping with me? After time and time again I had told you it was a bad idea, and someone was bound to find out, which dont forget someone already did! So there is no telling what is going to come after this." Allison's eyes brimmed with tears and I cracked some, my face showing concern, but building the wall right back up.

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