Chapter 13 - Allison

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The morning surely came before I realized. The birds chirping from outside my window, waking up was less of a hassle than I imagined. Blinking my eyelids open, I stretched my arms above my head, feeling and arms tighten around my exposed skin. Warm breathing feathered my neck, a snore following every intake of breath. Turning my head slightly, I gazed at the man next to me. His eye lids were a soft shade of pink, from the crying and drinking he induced last night.  His muscular figure entrapping me in his arms, the stubble on his face growing thicker and sexy. His hair's a mess, and I saw faint scratches going down his sides the further my eyes traveled. Turning in his arms, he pulled me closer, groaning softly. My body rose in goosebumps remembering it all.

    The tears, the kisses, the endless fucking we did, the vow we made. The ache between my legs was there, but yet she was still wanting more of him. A smile crept to my lips finding a little bit more than just an adrenaline rush out of the sneaking sex.

    I found arousal.

    Picking the lock to the basement door, where I heard muffled wail, the distant crackling of the fire. I stayed on the second to last step, hiding the shadows, watching him as he dealt with the grief. Every second that passed my heart ached a little more for him. Shane let a lot go last night, and I hope it would be different when he woke up. His brother was his best friend, and the only one that he could actually care for. After he passed, everyone abandoned him and left him to do things on his own. Which he mentioned that he liked, but he also missed being able to talk to someone when he was at my most vulnerable state.

    My fingers brushed his tousled hair back, exposing more of his perfect face to me. The dark thick eyebrows slightly pulled together but relaxing realizing I was touching him. His skin was soft, and yet warm as could be. Every part of him was warm and fitting. Just like how I am in his arms.

    The fantasy was going to end soon, and I frowned. I would have to go back to my normal routine of being his caregiver, and acing as if there isnt something threatening to break through my chest and scream that were fucking like rabbits under peoples noses.

    People like Emma.

    My fingers traced their way down to his jawline. His stubble scratched the surface of the pads of my fingertips. I kept going, tracing him like it was a painting going on a canvas.

    The veins in his arms, going to his calloused fingers and palms. I wanted to lick them all individually. Every inch of this man before me was delicious, and well worth the time to be spent on. Sure he was broken, but there are always broken people in the world. All it takes is a few people to help them understand the beauty that can come from being broken. Shaping yourself into a better model is a lot more worth it than becoming a pile of nothing.

    The drumming between my legs grew more intense, the lower my eyes got on his skin. The rise and fall of his stomach, the outline of his abs, and god awful beautiful trail of hair going from his navel down to his cock had me aching.

    "Like something you see?" He murmured. Craning my neck back up, a small grin was plastered on his lips, eyes still closed.

    "Just taking in all the inches I've explored." I whispered, my face blushing. "How's your head? Any hangover symptoms?"

    I knew I was treading in water from last night, but a nurse has to be sure her patient isnt hurting - too much. Humming, Shane's arms wrapped tighter around me, eyes still shut.

    "A little, but nothing I can't handle." Shane shrugged, and fully squinting his eyes open and looking right into mine. His green orbs danced with delight, and satisfaction. My heart hammered in my chest and somehow, I was nervous to be in his presence.

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