Chapter 16 - Shane

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We got to the office in shocking record time. Ten minutes before I was supposed to go back. Allison's face was flushed, her cheeks pink and my heart couldn't beat any faster for her. She was everything and more, and there was no fucking way in hell on rollerskates was I going to let Emma ruin this for me. Or her.

Allison had snuck off right when we got here to meet with my doctor and give him the recap of everything. So I was sitting in the waiting room by myself, getting wandering eyes scaling me from head to toe from the nurses desk. Peeks came over the counter and then disappeared, distant whispers and giggles following right after. I rolled my eyes, huffing a breath as I waited. Rubbing my hand over my mouth, I could still smell her on my face. It made my cock twitch in my jeans.

Eyeing the clock in the corner, I noticed it was just after 2PM, everyone would be just starting to get to the practice arena. Meaning Austin and Liam would be there, and so would Jack. Of all trades that asshole was still around and working for the belt. Groaning, my knee began to bounce, the waiting becoming too much for me.

No way was I going to let her late night cravings go unnoticed as well. Or James for that matter. If anything, I would blackmail them both. Sucks to suck, but I would go toe to toe with all of them for her to keep her job and license.

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"Shane Marshall?" A nurse called out. Springing to my feet, I stretched, before stalking over to her little frame. She was about the same height as Allison but Jesus, the closer I got, the more I realized she had a shit ton of makeup caked on her.

Don't get me wrong, makeup is fine. If it makes you look and feel beautiful go for it. But to look like a 6 year old dumped paint on your face is a different story.

"Welcome in. My name is Scarlett but you can call me Scar. I will be checking you out - oh, I mean checking you in." She blushed.

"Appreciate it, Scarlett." I dead panned, following behind her. She stopped at a doorway, and pulled back a curtain for me to walk through. Her eyes scanned my form and I honestly was uncomfortable, but I was also used to this kind of thing.

Frowning, Scarlett continued, "We'll be here in exam room 5. Nurse Hunter and Dr. Kooney will be with you shortly. In the meantime we will be taking your vitals, and getting situated. Sound good?"

"Do what you gotta do, ma'am." I replied sitting myself on the exam table. Drenching her hand in hand sanitizer she stretched some blue gloves over her hands, and grabbed the things she needed laying them all out perfectly. Grabbing what looked like - a portable thermometer, she tacked on a plastic cover and held it up.

"Open wide, please." She grinned, shoving the prod under my tongue. My teeth clamped it in place. Slowly but surely we went through the motions and questions she needed to ask. Before I knew it ten minutes flew by, and her gloves came off. Thank fuck.

"Oh before I go, it's good to see you back to health again. It was quite a tragedy to see you take a fall like that one a few months back. My cousin was there when it happened. How are you feeling?"

I shrugged, "Better than ever. I'm ready to be back out there in the ring."

"Yeah, I don't disagree with you. Allisons a great caregiver when it comes to things like this. I applaud her for the position she has."

Position? Oh, right.

"She's touched on the subject of the players and riders she's taken care of over the years she's been doing this. I'm grateful for James for hiring her, really." I blushed a bit.

It wasn't a lie. I was grateful. In more ways than one.

"That's good to hear, because the girls out here are all for the rodeo stuff." She blushed. "They talked about you the whole time you were sitting in the waiting room."

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