Chapter 2 - Allison

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"Do you need any help here?" Emma popped into the kitchen, for the tenth time in the last hour. I sighed and shook my head, whipping my hands on my towel hooked into my jean shorts.

I had arrived here early in the morning like it was requested, hence Shane being able to come home today, and wanted me to get started quickly. Out of all the ones who come and go on the ranch, Emma was always here. So she picked me up from the airport, and brought me here. I never had the time to unpack everything, cause she was tugging me along showing me everything.

From what I could tell, Shane was one of those people who liked everything kept clean, tidy, and in line. Maybe there was a hint of OCD in there? I don't know.

I was just guessing.

His house was done up nicely, everything accordinated and matched. It was a country ranch, the typical farmhouse look on the outside, everything inside was modern. But splashes of farm life dashed around. Fresh flowers were always kept on the dining room table and kitchen counter every day. Emma told me about this wild flower meadow that had all sorts of flowers to choose from. You could make different bouquets everyday. And she was not wrong. Different streams of flowers and colors dotted the meadow. And Shane owned it all. I was welcome to it anytime.

Emma then showed me around the ranch, where everything was stored. How Shane kept everything in specific spots. Hell, she even showed me how he liked the horses ropes and harnesses hung when they needed to be put away. I felt like I was back home when I was 3 all over again. My dad and grandpa tagging me along, showing me to the stalls to be shucked out, and spread with new hay. It was therapeutic to me.

Shane had four stalls each occupied with a horse of different sort. Their ears perked when I walked by to give them all apples. One in particular, Jax, was his name. black and white all over. One of his eyes was crystal white, with a patch of white around it. The other was darker than coal. There were only three, but the boy was adorable. I think he'd be my favorite. The others, Spirit, a tan and black horse; yes because of the movie, Emma reminded me. Meelah, a full white quarter horse, and she was pregnant, apparently she was due in the next couple of months, so I gave her an extra apple, simply she was feeding two. Finally, there was Shane's main course horse - Milo. Full. Beautiful. All black mustang. And he was gorgeous.

We came upon his stall, as he huffed, and took a couple steps closer, his head hanging from the stall. Milo leaned closer, sniffing what I had and shook his head, licking his lips. Leaning forward I had my palm flat, and an apple cut in two steaded for him. His furry lips brushed against my fingers as he sniffed, and I stared at him in his eyes, as he took the apple gracefully. His lips brushed my palm, making a smile spreading across my face. I stared for a long time. I had never seen a horse so beautiful. Apparently, Milo and Meelah snuck off one night and never came back home, until the next morning at least. And they were inseparable.

Till now at least.

"For the tenth time, Emma, no. I don't. But thank you. I appreciate you trying. Although, I normally do cooking-"

"On your own. Trust me, I am all too familiar with it. You're not hurting my feelings, sweet cheeks." Emma giggled and leaned on the doorframe crossing her arms. "Shane is a lot like that too. He doesn't really like it when people are in his way or try to help. Since he's a man, obviously thinks he can do everything on his own."

"Shane, seems like me, but in a man's form." I mumbled, hearing Emma snort, signaling she heard me, I bit back a smile myself.

Nodding my head, I mixed together the final ingredients for dessert - strawberry cheesecake and a tub of vanilla bean ice cream. I was told that Shane didn't partake in sweets, but my grandmother's cheesecake recipe was never a downer. Everyone loved it. Lining the cheesecake with a strawberry drizzle and a couple cut up berries to add a pop, I topped the lid on the glass container and set the pie in the fridge.

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