Chapter 7 - Allison

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Even though it was hot, the heat was getting to everyone, including myself. James was still uptight about the screaming match him and Shane had this morning. I get why the things needed to be said, but as a medical provider, I needed to be on my patient's side. Even if they had me dry hump them to an orgasm.

Liam was whining about how hot it was, even though he was swimming in the said lake we all agreed to meet at. Austin, Baylee Emma did the same, until James bet them all that the could beat them to the lake. In which, it didn't take them long to pile in the lake afterwards. Eventually they all argued about who was first, and who was last. It was quite the entertainment for Shane and I.

The lake wasn't too far from the house, but considering Shane and his broken ribs; surprisingly, Shane was able to make the walk without assistance. Everyone else was just in a mood, simply because it was humid. Apparently the humidity was supposed to stay for a couple more days. So before we came up here, the horses gout doused with cold water to cool off, and a kiddie pool of their own. Meelah was overly excited and I thought she would bust her gut right then and there.

Shane was next to me, with his brace off, due to the hot weather, bruises and stitches in display. Even though he couldn't go in the lake, I was able to dump some water on him from time to time, to keep him cool. James is willing to bet Meelah will give birth by the end of the month.

" 'Ole girl is gonna have that foal real soon, and I will be a monkey uncle if you are around to see it happen." He grinned. I mimicked him, and heaved Shane on his feet from the barn.

And he was not at all bothered by my presence. Not that he should be, although this morning was...unexpected.

Which took me by surprise. However, I noticed that Shane was a bit more chipper than usual. He actually held a ten minute conversation with me - without any smart comments. I'm floored, but Shane doesn't need to know that. Maybe, again, because of the screaming match this morning, or the fact he had to jerk his dick after I left. I sure as hell wasn't doing it, and I am sure as hell it will not happen again. I will do everything - legally - possible to be sure that it doesn't.

"Are you ever going to get in, Miss Hunter?" Liam called out, shaking water from his hair. Austin splashed him from his right, dunking him under, hooting a laugh.

"Yeah, Miss Hunter is gonna come join us anytime?" Austin barked, his teeth making an all white appearance.

If it wasn't for my job, they both were delicious in their navy blue and lime green swim trunks. Their bodies were all in shape from working around the farm or riding. The muscles on display, and licked with lake water, making them shine in the sun.

Down girl, stop purring.

"I have a patient to keep under surveillance, boys. I'm perfectly fine right here." I replied.

"Aw come on dont be such a-"

Before Liam could finish we heard a screech followed by heavy footsteps. Looking to my right here came James, with Baylee over his shoulder beating on his back. James walked up a rock toits peak, as Baylee squealed with excitement.

"Say you're sorry." James barked, a smirk fighting on his reddened face, sunkissed.

"Never in the rest of my life will I apologize to your old ass, James!" Baylee hollered. Liam shook his head and Austin swam backwards hollering a laugh, slapping the water.

"Oh you done it now, Bay! Sink her, James!" Liam screeched. Sure enough, James took three leaps forward and jumped off the rock, Baylee screaming for her life. Shane shook his head, his dimple showing on his face as James crashed into the water.

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