Chapter 15 - Allison

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By morning, I made my way to the kitchen and poured myself coffee. I of course had to look the part today, since Shane and I were going to get his scans done. I had to admit I was a bit nervous about what was going to happen; or what was going to be said about his ribs. I know if the outcome is bad, he wasn't going to take no for an answer. Although, the doctor needs to sign off for him in order to compete. Just hope it will turn out in his favor...

As stupid as my pussy is, I can't help but to have a soft spot for the asshole.

A very big soft spot that grows bigger every day that I'm here. Some seconds of that timeframe, I hate myself for it.

In all honesty, can you blame me? My job was to take care of him. Change his bandages, watch and make sure he stayed in bed when the incisions were still raw and his skin was black and blue. My job was nothing more than being a medical supervisor, and taking note of every change Shane went through. And yet, I manage to let my lower half of lips do more talking than my actual lips on my face.

Placing both hands on the counter, the coolness of the countertop seeping through my skin sent a shiver up my arms. My stomach was doing flips, my throat was dry. It was the anxiety of seeing my boss again after - who knows how long - and that man can spot a lie from a mile away.

I was a terrible fucking liar, apparently.

Shane may put up a front while everyone is around. He may walk around here like a big bad ass and can piss you off so easily with a smile plastered on his face. Underneath it all, it was just a man who was forced into manhood at a young age. Dealing with the pain on his own, and no one for him to lean on. Because he didn't allow it.

It was wired into his head that everyone leaves him at one point or another. And it broke my heart to think about it. Because eventually, I would be one of those people. I would hate to be added to his list of hatred. I groaned and rubbed the back of my neck, waiting for Shane to get out of the shower.

But it really was a switch in his brain designed for many many things. With me, it was like he could be himself, and this tossing coin effect was making it harder to resist one another. Even with everyone in the house around. Every time I get a glance of his hands, the veins running through them, his fingers thick and tough from working on the ranch all his life. From riding. His skin licked golden from the sun, and working without a shirt. Although this time he had lost some of the tan, either way, the man was devourable. Even if he was bandaged up.

I kissed him better. I snorted at the thought.

Last night when everyone was in bed, I fought the urge to tip toe into his room and hold him.Intimate, yes but I wanted to be skin to skin with Shane. After having a whole night with each other, it was hard to go back to pretending like we tolerated each other. And nothing more. But the truth was, I wanted a lot more. Run my fingers through his hair, dig my nails into his skin. Feel his lips on mine.

Stop it.

His tongue exploring every inch like he hasn't before, making my skin crackle with desire and need.

Stop. It.

Only to shove his head where it needed to be. I bit my lip at that one, taking a sip of my coffee to hide the blush.

"Morning." Austin grumbled stalking through the kitchen doorway. Making his way over to the coffee pot, Austin helped himself, blowing at the rim before sipping. "Not bad. Is that chocolate in it?"

"Emma found one at the store infused with cocoa beans. I don't seem to mind it." I commented, rolling my tense shoulders attempting to relax.

"Fancy shit. Hm. Everyone else is gone?" He asked, casting a glance over at me.

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