Chapter 19 - Allison

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By morning, I was on my back, staring up at the ceiling. The steady beating of my heart keeps me composed. My left hand twirled a piece of my hair between my fingers, and I listened to the birds gathered outside for the final moments of fall coming to an end. My days were being counted as I finished my job here, but I couldn't help but feel depressed about it.

I had made bonds with James, of course Shane and everyone else. It felt like I was leaving a piece of me behind when I did leave.

    Taking in a breath, I closed my eyes letting the exhale follow. Seeing Shane's blue ones stare right back at me. The way he held me last night in the kitchen and snuck me into the bathroom was different. We hadn't touched one another for a couple of days. Liam had been acting differently and hasn't been talking to everyone as much. Everytime I came into the room, it was as if he was annoyed that I was in the same room. And he would gather his things and take off and do whatever it was.

    Shane said that he was fine, just upset about the choices being made. And that he would get over it. But I couldn't help but feel like it was more than that. Although Shane was my only concern to worry about, I couldn't help but feel the need to care for everyone else in the house as well.

    Like the text messages I got two days ago.

It was now Thursday, and my time was also, again... limited. I still hadn't told Shane about it, really I don't think I could. He was busy enough, he didn't need the extra stress and stupid thoughts to interrupt him. I had hardly slept last night, my mind was reeling on who the hell it would be texting me those things.

    The only people that I know of, that knew, were Austin and Emma. My stomach flipped putting thieves together. Maybe Liam knew too, and resented Shane for it. I groaned, running my hands over my face. Why did I have to take this this far with him?

    Because you're fucking in love with the man and you cant help who you love in the end.

I was chewing on my lip, now with the tang taste of metallic blood, my eyes sprang open, fresh tears stinging them. Swinging my legs over the side of my bed, I tapped my phone screen looking at the time; 7:30AM. Everyone should be getting up soon. I didn't know if I should be making breakfast soon or not.

    As if my own thoughts were being answered, a soft knock came on my door. My body jumped as did my heart rate. My fingers clench the sheets.

    "Allison? Its me. Are you awake?" Shane murmured, knocking again. Letting go of a breath I didn't realize I was holding, I walked over to my door, opening it. Shane pushed himself inside my room, cupping his hands on my face his lips meeting mine.

    My hands wrapped around his wrists kissing him back. My thoughts are screaming for me to stop and tell him. But I couldn't. I needed a few more seconds of good before the bad came back...

    His tongue swept across my lower lip letting me go, as his nose bruised mine.

    "Good morning, gorgeous." Shane whispered, wrapping his arms around me, pecking my mouth. "Sleep well?"

    Shaking my head, I kept my gaze on my hands which rested on his chest. "No."

    "Why not? Did ya miss not sleeping with me after last night?" Shane replied. I could feel him grinning, only to fall when I didn't meet his gaze. "Ally? Are you okay?"

     His pointer finger and thumb pinched my chin, forcing me to look up at him. The smirk on his face then, dropping to a thin line. Lips pursed, his arms went for my waist, tugging me closer.

Biting my lip I looked up at him, his face shielded with concern. A hand came to my check cupping me so, his thumb wiping on my cheekbone.

    "Talk to me, baby."

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