Chapter 5 - Allison

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The following morning was tense. After the conversation Shane and I had before I put him to bed, I knew my place. Well I've known my place for a bit, but seeing how Shane was alone last night was a different story. Sure he was pumped with drugs, and was saying nonsense so maybe he didn't remember? Maybe he doesn't know what he said to me? There were a lot of questions I wanted answers to, but it didn't matter.

    We were now a week into me being here. I made my way over to Shanes bedroom door, and saw him sleeping still. Breathing out a breath, my heart ached for him.  A guy who had it all in his hands that night all for it to slip out of his grip in a matter of eight seconds or less. Closing his door softly, I walked down the hall to the stairs, making my way to the kitchen. His pain has gotten better since he's been home. At first they didn't want me anywhere near him when it's time to bathe him. But Austin, Liam and James were no help, they all gave after trying to help him.

Shane hated it, but went along with it as Ihelped him wash up. The following day after that he was in the living room, and a pillow fell from his side, and then fell over. I went to the bathroom and came back to him face first on the couch. I thought it was funny till Shane was furiously screaming at me to shut him up right. And when I did, I could have sworn I saw he had a hard on. From smelling where I was sitting. No wonder he was livid he was caught having a natural reaction.

Typical man.

I was in the kitchen making a pot of coffee, letting loose a yawn. Emma stayed along with Austin and Liam. James mentioned he would be back in a couple of days, and needed to catch things up at the office. When he talked about leaving Emma was filled with dread. I almost wanted to laugh because It was so adorable the way they were trying to hide their feelings from everyone else. James was almost 30 and Emma was only 25 but numbers don't matter.

    Hearing the pot beep a soft tune indicating the coffee was ready, I took out four mugs and filled them all evenly. I added some sugar free cream to mine and dash to Shane's. I was told he likes it mostly black with a hint of creamer in the morning. Nothing more. I snorted. Shane was a tricky card to play. Emma really wasn't wrong about that.

Peeking outside, I saw Emma in the barn with Austin. Looking over her shoulder she waved, as I held up a mug letting her know it was fresh. She gave me a thumbs up and went back into the barn probably to tell Austin.

Grabbing my mug, I blew out a breath, before taking a small sip. The hot beverage making its way down my throat, I sighed. My eyes fluttered closed, both of my hands holding the mug close to my chest. My skin erupted with goosebumps as I hugged the mug close, breathing a breath and taking another sip. Grabbing Shane's mug, I pad my way to the staircase and up the stairs. Taking another sip of mine, I use my elbow and gently push the knob down, and push his door open slowly.

    Peeking my head in, I watch the injured man sleep before me. Tiptoeing over to his side of the bed, I set down his mug gently, then padded over to his rocking chair in the corner, where I snuck my laptop in. Putting a cushion on the seat, I placed my coffee in the window sill, slowly opening it for some fresh air. Inhaling a breath, I sat in the chair, opening my laptop to Shane's file. Balancing the laptop on my thighs, sipping my coffee again. Looking out the window, I could see the horses let out this morning. All of them were in the pasture eating some fresh grass, dotted with the morning dew. I bit my lip as my gaze went over to the Meelah, and my eyes went as round as her belly.

    My heart hurts for her, cause I know she's uncomfortable. The cycle of life was adorable, but also heartbreaking at the same time. Gulping down more coffee, I turned my attention back to Shane. His features were without a doubt gorgeous. Sure there were a couple of scars here and there from his accident. But Shane was a handsome man. I was not denying it. He was well kept, and almost pussy aching delicious.

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