Chapter 3 - Shane

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"About damn time, I'm starving!" Emmal screeched, throwing open the door. I growled, my jaw set tight. Ten minutes turned into an hour all because James was whiney about not going to the bathroom at the hospital. So we drove around to - 3 different fucking truck stops - just so his ass could use the bathroom.

Should have told me that the was going to take 30 fucking minutes. My pain meds were wearing off already, and dear God was I feeling it. My whole body felt as if it was on fire. I hated this and the day wasn't even over yet. No one knew what it was like to be in this position. Only one did though, and they're not here anymore.

Slowly shuffling through the front door in some wheelchair; which I assume James just took at some point, I saw a woman in the doorway of my kitchen but she scurried off to the timer on the stove, and walked across again to the dining room table. My brow furrowed.

"Is that who I think it is?" I asked to hike my chin to the dining room. "My worshiper?" as soon as I said it I kind of regret it - Kind of. Emma gasped.

"Shane!" Emma and James chirped, Emma swatted at my shoulder. I grunted. "Be nice!"

"Why should I be nice to someone who's in my kitchen? How do you even know anything about her in such a short time span? It's probably a mess.'' I mumbled.

"Oh my god, Shane you literally just got home. Be nice to her." Emma glared at me, as James shuffled me through the doorway. Shutting the door behind us, James stopped for a moment adjusting the chair and moving over the doorstop hump. Only to make me wince.

"Seriously, Shane. You really think I would let anyone in here?" James asked. I just stared at him in the eyes, stone cold.

"Whatever. Shane the point is we did all the background checks on everyone who was available and she was perfect for it. She's done this once before you know." Emma explained. My eyes darted over to her.

She has?

No wonder James said she's used to this kind of thing. I think he also said something about her living in this type of style once before. I wonder what else James had found out about her. I'd ask, but my side was on fire and I felt like. I was going to pass out. This was fucking terrible.

I was ambushed and someone had a goddamn laser snuck in. I could have been trampled. I could have been a lot worse.

I could have been dead instantly if I landed right like... them, too. Shaking my head, I came back to my senses.

"Doesn't matter. You all know I keep things-"

"Neat. Tidy. And in place. She is already aware." Emma rolled her eyes, walking into the dining room to assist - what was her name? Amy? Andy? Fuck.

"Shane, I want you to meet Allison hunter. She will be your caregiver for the time being while you are out of commission." James explained, clearing his throat. "She even went through the trouble to make us dinner for your homecoming."

"Did she now?" I deadpanned, gritting my teeth. James was holding me waaaaay too rough, my ribs were hurting and I felt like I was going to tear a stitch. "Shit, James man you're killing me."

"I-I'm sorry, may I?" A voice called. Softly like velvet but strong like a stallion.

"Absolutely, ma'am. Sorry." James muttered, shuffling out of her way. Releasing a breath, she tossed her hair over her shoulder. My head turned as I saw the most...wonderful drop dead gorgeous looking human being scurry out from my kitchen. She was whipping her hands on a towel, as she came through, shoving Emma aside. "Don't hold him like that, the stitches will tear."

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