Authors note

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Well... thats a wrap. And holy cow was it interesting.

I will make this short as I express my gratitude for the attention 8 Seconds has gotten. Thank you times a million and one to everyone who liked, shared, viewed and read this story of mine. It was definitely rough especially toward the end, losing three chapters out of no where.

But we bounced back, and completed the novel. I have another project in the works, and it will be coming to you all.... very soon.

For now, enjoy the journey of Allison, Shane and the gang.

I love you all, so much. Thank you thank you THANK YOU!!!!!


P.S. Dont forget to follow all my pages for sneek peeks and content about what's to come! 

Twitter: Spicedreading26

Instagram: @Spicedreading26

TikTok: Spicedreading26


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