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"Huh?" Was my response to Jessica, when she woke me up from my sleep.

"Are you feeling pain or soreness.?" She repeated.

"No, now that I have Michael helping me I feel much better now ." I replied looking at Michael. We both smile at eachother in agreement. But we were interrupted by Jessica's words.

"Can I get Ye by her self."

Michael looked confused. "Who is Ye?" He wondered.

"Me" I answered."My name is Skye so she shortened it up with 'Ye' and I've been called 'Ye' for years.

Michael said nothing else, he did a movement in his head and stepped out side the door.

"Are you really okay?" She said soon after Michael closed the door.

I nodded my head in response.

"No I know your physically are better, but I'm talking about you with your emotions with Michael and John." Jesseica continued to speak once more.

I started to think back to my dream. I gave Jessica a blank stare. After to much time of her waiting for me to speak; I noticed she was waving her hand in my face. I had put my attention back on Jessica.

"Jessica I know that I love Michael now." I said.

Jessica got ready to comment on my sentence." I have two things on that note. One is have you ever told him that you love him; two, if you love Michael what are your feelings for John?"

I rolled my eyes an refused to even act on what she just said. Michael walked back in and talked me and Jessica then got Jessica out the house so I could go back to sleep.

Michael crawled into the bed. I moved in closer to him, put my head in his chest and closed my eyes for the night.

I woke up in so much pain, I felt like I was being hit with a thousand bricks. I rolled over to get Michael but he was no where to be found. The pain got so bad I tried get up and find him. I made it to the kitchen but my legs gave out in the middle me walking and I fell on the floor. I twisted and turned but the more I moved the more the pain got worst.

I instantly cried at that point. I was in more pain then when I got in the reck. My cry was the ugly type of cry with sobbing and tears all over the place and the faces I made because of the pain were made the cry even uglier.

I was on the floor crying for about a half an hour, before I heard foot steps. They were Michael's big feet that I was hearing.

"What's wrong Cara?" He inquired.

"The pain is..." I couldn't finish my sentence because of my trouble breathing.

I felt like I was slowly dying. Michael swept me off my feet,lifted me to the nearest seat. He went in my bag to get my breathing machine that the doctor gave me to take.

He started the machine and handed the nozzle and proceeded back to the kitchen to what ever he was doing when he first walked in the door.

Inhale; exhale. I thought the whole time taking the medicine in a gas form. Five minutes later my breathing was at a steady pace, the pain had slowly crept away as time progressed.

After I was done I got up to get some water when my legs started to get wobbly and I fell. I guess I made some type of noise because Michael ran in the room I was in, to help me to the bed room.

I wiggled around in the bed to get comfortable. when I was comfortable enough I eyed the room but stopped when I seen Michael smiling at me but quickly put his head down when I cought him staring.

"What?" I asked him.

Michael bit his lip and began to blush. It was so cute he look like a innocent little girl by his actions, but she was no girl. Nothing on him was feminine. Expescially notbelow the belt if you know what I mean.

Michael began to speak but his voice was at a whisper." I was smiling because it's cute to seeq you wiggle around in bed. You look like a bug on its back."

I was starting to blush until he said I look like a bug on it's back. I understood what he was trying to say, but he could have used a different simile. I gave him a shy smile.I turned my attention back to the television. I was watching a re-runs of Dance Moms for about a hour.

I rested my head on the pillow. My eyes were just about closed until Michael busted in the room yelling.

"What the hell?!" I screamed.

"Come here." He waved.

I rolled out of the bed, slowly walking behind Michael. He led me in the front room.

"Close your eyes." I heard Michael say.

"I can barely walk, would I close my eyes?" I questioned him.

"Oh I'll carry you then, but you have to keep your eyes closed." He replied.

I didn't want to close my eyes I wanted to see what was going on so I was going to listen to wear he was taking me. I closed my eyes and I was in Michael's arms. I could hear his feet go down the steps, then he reach the tile floor his feet began to make a pitty-pat sounds.

He put me down and waited till my balance was stable.

"Open your eyes." Michael rushed to say with excitement
In his voice.

My eyes opened to see the diner room all dressed up. The table was design with two white glass vase with a gold trim, on both ends of the table. Plates that matched the vase. The walls had pictures of Michael and I. Is was so pretty. The table was covered with rose petals, one seat had my Queen on it with a crown. The other seat had her King on it with a crown.

"Take a seat." Michael insisted.

I went to the seat that said my Queen. Michael followed after me a sat himself at the seat across from me.

This was so sweet I don't know why he did it, but whatever the reason was I loved him for it. I wonder what he was doing while I was watching TV but I guess I know now.

"What is this all about?" I asked him.

"You normally make me breakfast, but you couldn't. So I decided to not make it because you already in pain I don't want you to die from my cooking, but I went to that café you like to eat at got you breakfast." He answered.

I said no more after that I was to busy taking in what he had done for me. He had brought tea and crumpets, omelette and strawberries my favorite fruit for breakfast. It was so good and I'm not just talking about the food. The way he got things togother was perfect. The colours matched and all.

I was interrupted while eating by hands rubbing my shoulders. I look up into eyes that were warm. They had love in them, I looked away. I was scared my eyes didn't show the same emotion, Love.

He pulled my face towards him. I just couldn't look at him. I got up out of the chair and went up the steps, back to the bed room.

Michael beat me to the steps. "what's wrong ?"

"Nothing." I replied. I looked behind him and took a glance of what he did and it changed my attitude. I was greatful fir him because he didn't have to do it. And that's what makes me care for him.


For those who did not read my notes that I deleted. I talked about the new cover to I Want More or IWM. I was tired of looking at the old one.

I also mentioned that I would like to make my book better, more interesting and appealing for new readers but I cant because I am getting no feed back. I'm not getting paid to write this my only pay is your votes and comment. But I'm not getting any so if you like IWM go comment and vote on chapter

But don't forget to...



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