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Jessica pushed Darrick out the door way and came to hug me.
When she let loose she closed the door behind us and we headed towards the kitchen where we normally go. She went to the refrigerator to get us something to drink.

"So how was work?" She asked as an ice breaker.

"It was pretty good but long. I did my preparation for my trip, did some paperwork. And I had lunch with William now I'm here, but enough of me how was you day."

"My day was good, my boss was acting like a dick today but it was really good. He gave me and this piece of shit the same project knowingly we don't fucking like each other.

So I went to ask can I switch he gave me a choice of a girl name Janice and she is never at work or xaviar who has the biggest crush on me, but I end up picking Xaviar because I'll get him to do the work for me and it'll be easy on me."

I just laughed. It got silent, real silent and I knew where this was going. I just looked at her with a fake smile. I rushed off to the rest to the restroom. I didn't even have to use the restroom but the tension was thick enough to cut a rock.

I didn't want to answer questions about Michael, about John not even about me because the answer is I don't know. I hate this stage in the break up. It's so confusing.

There was a knock on the door. It startled me just a pinch. "Yea I'm okay."

I've must have been in the restroom for a while because, Darrick had went to the store for some snacks and when I came out, him and Jessica were crunching on chips.

"That must have been a bad stomach ache, because that was a long shit."

I played along with him, and giggled at the comment.

"Well babe I have to be at work early tomorrow so i'm going to head up stairs and get ready for the bed." Darrick informed us. And gave a good night kiss on Jessica cheek and headed up the steps. Before he went up the steps he made is a mission to slap Jessica's butt.

"So like I was saying what is up between you aaa-." Jessica restated but was cut off by my child like ways.

I covered my ears. "La la la la la la."

Jessica just laughed at me, but I was dead serious. I didn't want to talk.

"Well you will have to tell me sooner or later. And I prefer now because your going to be gone later." Jessica said trying to lure me into talking.

"Ughhhhh Jessica there is nothing to talking about. There is no longer a skye and Michael. And has been that way for a few days now. What more would you like to know. I've messed up, said things I shouldn't have said and now I can't take it back." I felt that big ball if tears in my throat. My voice began to crack and my eyes felt heavy.

"If I could take it back I would. If my damn ego wasn't so big I would go get on my knees and apologize, but I can't. I just want to be loved. A love that my mom wasn't allowed to give me a love that my sister never had a chance to show. And a love that I thought I had with john. I wish I could go back and take my sister's place and stop death from sneaking up on my mom."

By now I was sobbing like crazy. This is why I don't like to talk about this things. I get all emotional and stuff. Jessica had her arms wrapped around me. And she was patting my back.

"Its okay Skye I'm here and you have me as a sister. I know I'll never will be your real sister but I will try my best to be like the real thing.

"Omg girlfriend it will be alright." a high pitch man voice said. When we turn around, we seen a Derrick pretend to wipe a fake tear from his cheek.

"You have us and I have y'all." He continued with the generic girl voice. We all laughed boisterous.

Derrick restated his goodnight farewells and stepped his way back to the bedroom. Jess and I went to take a seat in the living room. She threw the remote to me.

"I'll be right back." when Jessica closed the glass panel door, I could still hear her door steps on the wooden door. A few minutes and the smell of buttery popcorn filled the air.

Jess came back to the room and set out the bowl of popcorn on the glass table. "Lets watch the 5th wave," I requested. Jessica didn't rebuttal she just shrugged her shoulders.

After the movie it was getting kind of late and I was too scared to drive in the dark so I stayed at Jessica's house for that night. A lied down and my mind wondered around. I tossed and turned but never got comfortable. It wasn't the couch it was my mind. I got up and walked to the kitchen poured me a glass of wine. The wine made me feel better. So I poured me another cup, then another, and couple more and before I knew it, it was 6:00 and I had drunk a whole bottle of wine.

I didn't want to drink all their wine so I got their bottle of vodka and patron. I drunk that whole thing and and felt sick I went to the restroom down the hall and threw up all the food that was in stomach up.

When got ready to get up I was met with an angry Jessica. "Jessica I-I-I'mmm ssssorry I'll by you sommmmme somemore alahal I wash just thirssty."

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