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"How do I look." I said While fixing my outfit.

"Sexy enough to make me do things to you if I was a guy." Jessica said while feeling my butt.

"I knew you had a thing for me." I laughed. She gave me the stink eye. "Let's go !!!!!!!!." We both yelled as we semi-ran to the car but not to fast because of our heels.

We got in my car and made sure my security was behind us. "Do you really have to have those guys follo...?" "Yes." I said before they could get the rest out.

"Since I am on top right now I need some protection with me at all time. Anyway we are here at our destination ." We both got out of the car. I am well known so the security let us in for free and gave us the vip room to ourselves. When we first get in there Jessica starts to dance and pull people in to dance with her, and while she did her thang I went to go get me a drink.

As I walked to the bar I had a man watch my every move. " appletini please." I asked. "Its on me." A husky voice came and said behind me. I turn around ."Aren't you such a fin gentleman?" I said in a sarcastic way but trying not to sound so bitchy.

" Well my my mother raised me right." I giggled at his words.

"your name is?" I said with a straight face.

" Michael Smith. And yours is my fine young lady?".

"Skye jones." I slowly picked up my drink to take a sip then I walked away.

"Wait!" Was only word he said before running after me. "Can I help you mr.Smith?"

" well you can start by talking to me. After all I did buy your drink." That is what made me turn around and began a little conversation with Michael.

"Well yes you did. And you want me to talk, but what is there to talk about? "

"Well I can start off the conversation by saying you look good miss Jones. But what do you do, what is your profession?"

"Well I know I look good but thank you, and I happen to be a CEO of a well know business and what about you ?" I replied to he comment.

"Well I wish I could do the same as you but I am a lawyer." A small grin passed his face.

"Is that all you want to know before I leave?" As I shot is little joke down.

"Well can I get your phone number so I can call you some time?" As he passed me his phone. I looked at the phone and did not move a muscle.

"You can put it in your self .(249)467-7401." still not trying to be too bitchy to him.

"I will call you tomorrow if that's okay?" I nodded an walked away.

I went tell Jessica all about my run in with Michael. But when I got to the VIP part Jessica had started the party with out me. She had already brought People in the room, passing out drinks and having herself an all around good time.

"Ye!" is what she call me. "Ye ye ye! Come and dance with me." She said while she barely made it over, Stumbling over air and leaning side to side as she came toward me.

"Jessica your drunk and its not even midnight yet."

"Yep." Is what I think she was trying to say but it didn't come out that way.

"Are you ready to leave?" I asked her. "Nope." She said as quickly as I asked the questions.

"Why not?" I looked at her with a straight face. She looked and pointed to the door. I turned around and there stood Michael. He eyed me as if he was telling my to come here. I looked at him puzzled. Then he started to wave his hand at me. I walked to him and whispered in the VIP security ear to let Michael in.

"Okay I couldn't help but your very good looking and easy to talk to." Michael said with a slight grin.

"Well thank you but if that's all you want a have a drunk friend to tend to." And I patted his shoulder.

"I was wondering if you would give me a chance to get to take you out." He said to stop me from walking away from him.

"Okay I like you so I'll give the benefit of the doubt and take that under consideration. Contact me tomorrow and I'll give you answer. Okay?"

He made a smile from ear to ear that made me know he heard me. Jessica was drunk as ever. she kept trying to bring people into the bar.

I grabbed Jessica and headed out towards the car.

"Jessica! You will be staying with me for tonight." I wondered if she heard me. The car ride was normal. I had a hard time getting Jessica in the house.

When I finally got her in the house. I was out of breathe and could barely keep my balance. I laid her on the couch and got her a cover. I made sure she was okay and went up stairs to my room a got ready for the bed. My eyes lids slowly closed and I was fast asleep.
"Ye! Ye! Get up and put some clothes on you have to go to work in a hour." She yelled at me.

"Ughhh! I own the damn place!" Jessica gave me a death look. "Okay okay." I moaned. I slowly rolled out of the bed. And got in the shower. The water woke me up. After getting dressed I went to the ketchen and found Jessica putting breakfast on the table for me.

"Eat." She said as if she was comanding me.

"I can't I have less then 20 minutes to get to work." I tried to say so could leave with out eating. "Okay." she said like she had given up.

All I heard was "okay" and I was out the door.

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