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When finally allowed to leave from Michael's grip on me, I was able to get in my vehicle and go home. It had only been Monday and my week had been hell. A fight between the guy I'm in a loving relationship with and the guy that I hate to say I still have feelings for.

With all that on my mind I choose to skip the shower for that night and go straight to the part where my eyes are closed tight.

Next morning after I did morning routine plus the shower I had to take which seemed like it would never end, I began to start my hours of work. At work there were whisper and rumors about the conflict that happened. I could feel my staffs eyes all stare at my back side. It didn't phase me until one young man yelled out "what does it feel like to see your ex get hit like he did you!?"

Within a few seconds my anger went from zero to hundred. I turn slowly thinking about what I was going to do, when I finally twisted my body to see who had said those words. It was a new worker his name was James.
I laughed for the moment " it feels the same as you being jobless like the rest if your family, now you have 10 minutes to get your shit up and out my building."

He stood there with his mouth opened in shock. He motined his arms in the air as if he was asking why? There was no way in hell I was going to let him get away with ruthless comments like that.

Dave came rushing to see me. "Are you alright Ms.Jones?"

I replied with a nod and a few words, "why are wouldn't I be?" I was walking away before I could Finish the sentence. I had work to do and being bugged by some guy I don't even know about is not one of them.

By the middle of the day I had checked on all my supply factories, paid visit to the few salons that where in the area and collected news for up coming events. When I arrived back at the office Dave was standing waiting for me.

"Can I do anything for you?" I asked him and kept walking.

He boosted his speed to catch up with me. "Well me and my partner are going out to eat and I wanted to know if you would like to be attend?"

I stopped in the middle of my walk to face dave. "I'd like to go with you, what time?"

"At the Sarpae restaurant and 5 O'Clock on the dot ms.I take hours to get ready."

I laughed and began walking back to my office again.

When I got settled back in I checked my phone. I had three missed calls from Michael my dad and dave. I called micheal back. "Hey babe I seen I missed your call."

"Hey, I just got a phone call the and I was asked to attend dinner with the law firm and I was wondering if you would want to go to this dinner with me?"

"Um, sure when is it?" I asked hoping he wouldn't say tonight.

"Tonight at 5 on the dot." He said.

"Shit!" I yelled but low enough not to make it clear.

"What did you say honey?"

"I said I'll would love to be there but I would be late. I'm having dinner with my friend Dave." I said while making my voice sound high pitch.

"Oh okay bye, I'll see you then." Michael said sounding so depressed.

"Just text me the information and I'll see you when I get there."

"Love you miss Jones."

I didn't say anything else, I just ended the call and began getting ready to finish up for the day. I still had things to do; I had to make sure I had all my thing together for an event I have later on in time, I had to see if my profit had been coming in correctly and see if my workers were getting paid right.

I let time slip by me and had less then two hours to get ready. I packed my objects up and headed to the car and drove off.

When I opened the house door I was welcomed with Jessica standing in the door way.

"Holy, shit Jessica! What the fuck are you here?"

Jessica laughed at my reaction. "I was here because I thought you would be here, but I see that you are just getting here."

I gave her my best 'well duh' face I could muster up. "I have a full night tonight so you can stay till I get back or leave and I'll talk to you later."

Jessica huffed and puffed while pacing around my living room. "I'll guess I stay till you get back." Jessica said while wining around the house.

I kissed her on her noes and went to prepare my self for tonight. I had to pick something suitable for a casual dinner and a fancy law firm meeting. I choose a black one piece suit.

And but my hair ponytail in a pony tell. Put a little red lipstick on and was out the door. It took me a long 30 minutes to get the place. After arriving to the damn place I had to search for Dave.

I went to the desk and asked for Dave's table. "Go straight and make a left at the rest rooms and there his table should be ma'am".

I followed the directions and all I seen was a table with one guy that was beyond gorgeous. His chiseled cheeks, hazal eye, buff arms and a sun melting smile that made me moist in my core. I stood there and daydreamed. When I regained my focus I see a familiar face. It was Dave, Dave sat next to the Greek god and began talking. I over heard there conversation.

"I thought by now she would be here she promised to be here on time." Dave said referring to me. I started walking the path to the table. "Well I said I would and I am so stop gossiping about me." I said as I stood at the table. Dave smiled at me with glee."Oh so you did come."

Dave opened his mouth to speak again." Skye this is my friend Jacob." Jacob bumped Dave and Dave And hurried and corrected his words. "Sorry this is my boyfriend Jacob and jacob this is my boss and close friend skye. Jacob got out his chair to greet me. We shook hands and exchanged hugs.

The waitress came and took are orders I wanted salad, Jacob wanted steak and dave ordered shrip. I was eating lightly because I had a dinner to go to after this, so I did not want to fill myself up.

"So how did y'all meet?" I asked to start the conversation till the food came.

"Church!" "Club!" Dave and Jacob said intertwining each others speach.
I laughed at the faces they made trying make it seem that they were not lying. But clearly there faces were not effecting my thoughts.

"You to are lying and I know it plus the club and church are two different places and since I go to both of them I know the club can't be one because dave hates the club and the church can't be it because Dave has never went to church." I said after I got done laughing at the two of them.

"Okay. Okay we met online." Jacob said as if it was a bad thing. "Thank you for the truth Jacob. And all this time I thought dave didn't know how to work the internet." The whole table bust out in laughter.

In the mist of laughing, the waitress came with our food. The table was silent while the eating of our food took place. I finished my last bite and my phone started to ring. I checked to see who it was. It was Michael.

"Hello." I answered in a mellow tone.

"Babe where are you they are about to start the dinner part and I want you to be here."

"I'll be there in about thirty minutes just give me the information."

"Skye hurry and its at the sery center." And Michael ended the call.

I looked up to see Dave and Jacob had been listening to me talking. "Guys I'm sorry but I have to go." I got up to give them a Good-bye hug. "Nice meeting you jacob."

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