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Michael stayed with me the rest of the day. I had to make him get in the shower after I got out. I didn't want any of his nasty dick juice on my bed set. When he finally got in the shower, I hurried and changed my whole bed set. "Cara!" Michael called out. "Who the hell. Is. Cara?" I looked confused.

"It means darling in Italian." He said.

"Oh." Was my only word in the response I gave to him.

"come here please." He cried. I went in the restroom to find a naked man in the middle of my restroom floor.

"Jesus!" I scream as I ran back to my room. He had better be lucky he was in the restroom connected to my bedroom because if not he would have been in front of a my wall that is all glass then he would be lookin
at the world looking back at him.

"Put some clothes on." I said. Micheal shook his head. I laughed at his child like behavior. "Put some clothes on our I will..." I was stopped by Michael's next words.

"You will what." He said curious of what I was going to do.

"All you have to do is put on your boxers." I said trying to persuade him. He folded his arms and turn the other way.

"Fine have your way." I said out if defeat. But Michael was going to hind I'm self in a hard situation.

Michael finally came out of the rest room and sat on the bed. "Fuck, I didn't want you on my bed naked." I growled. I got up and walked pass Michael and at liked I tripped. I made my self land in Michael's lap.

I helplessly wiggled on his lap. Then I rubbed his cock making him hard. I heard Michael moan and hurried up and got up. I looked at micheal heated and by the look on his face he wanted my to Finnish what I started.

I walked back towards him and the opposite of what he wanted, I made him more stiff. I ran after me and I had ran outside. He couldn't because he was naked. " If you put some clothes on you could come out side and get me. Or are you going to stubborn and keep yourself sexual frustrated." I knocked on the next door neighbor's door. A young lady opened the door. We weren't close but be we did talk and check up on each other from time to time.

"Hey Skye how are you." I turned and looked up at Michael who was still in the door. "I'm doing pretty good." I said. "So what can I help you?" The young girl said. "Umm... I've been hearing a lot of banging and I was just making sure you were okay."

"Oh...I'll try to make less noes next time." The girl said sheepishly.

"That's all." And I walked away.

I walked back through my door. I looked up at a heated Michael. " I'm sorry." I wined. "Don't you do that ever again missy." Michael said with some base in is voice.

"Yes Mr.smith I'll make sure I won't do it again." I said. I went to my bed with Michael right behind me. I had to change my bed set again." Michael Now can you please put on some pants." I said after I got done fixing the bed. Micheal rolled his eyes. And a few seconds later he went to put on some boxers.

I replied with a smile ear to ear. I looked at the clock is was 10:00 and I haven't eaten today but that sushi me and Michael share. My stomach started to growl at me.

I guess Michael heard it, because he looked at me and kissed me on my forehead. "I'll cook us something to eat." And with that Michael left out the room. My phone rang straight after. "Hello."

"Hey how you doing so far?" Jessica questioned me.

"Doing good just a little hungry and Michaels in there cooking me something to eat."

"Oh so your there alone with Michael?"

"Yes I am." I said with a firm voice.

"Have y'all had sex yet?"

"Jessica I'm going to let you answer that question."

"Oh Yea I did walk in on y'all while was freak on. That was nasty as hell."

"Skye the food is done!" Michael yelled from the kitchen.

"Well I hear that you're getting ready to eat. I didn't want anything just checking in with you."

"Love you jess see you tomorrow because I have to go by you house and get my papers." I ended the call.

I walked on the kitchen and seen a bowl of pasta." I could have swore you told me you were British."

"I am and Italian. I never told you because most Italians are rude and dislike by many." Michael said.

"Well there is this one British slash Italian, or what ever the mut is mixed with, that I like alot sand dear love. But now that I think about it he is rude he said I has a pretty face and a nice ass." I said trying not to giggle.

When Michael realized I was talking about him, he gave me the stink eye. "Well I thought I had met this African American girl who turned out to be African American and British but the was ugalay." Was Michaels way of putting emphasis on ugly . "And she was built like a stick no ass no breast all bone.

"I can't believe you said that." I walked away in the guest room. Michael walked in. "This is where you are sleeping if you stay here tonight." I told Michael.

He looked at me. "If I can't sleep with you I'll be going home" I waved at Michael. "Bye!" Michael got his stuff together. "I didn't think you would leave me." I cried. I wrapped my had around his waist till he got to the door. He turned around a kissed me. I didn't want him to leave I tried to mold him by his shirt but I didn't work. He just walked off.

I closed the door. I turned around and seen he left his food on the table. I cleaned it up, while thinking why he left. I was only playing. Then I heard a know on my door. I knew he was playing with me.

As I opened the door. I seen a familiar face. "John?"

"Yes it is I john, did you expect someone else?"

"The hell you mean, yes I was expecting someone else. I sure didn't expect your jackass to come knocking at my door." I said tying to closed the door but was stopped by John's big ass hands.

"Oh I'm a jackass now." John said while passing the floor. Then he stopped in front of me and stood still for a moment. He raised his hand and forced it down across my face.

I stumbled back in shock since this was his first time ever harmed me physically. I tried to get the strength to walk back over to him, but I was stuck by another forceful hit to may body.

"You worthless bitch. I give you Evey thing. I put food on the table. I pleasured you in and out of bed. And when your king comes back you disown him meanwhile you have the nerves to some some guy in my house like he is the owner of is." He bellowed me.

"What that hell are you talking about, my king? Then you have me everything but I'm the person bringing the big bucks around here." I said standing up for my self but was knocked down with a kick to the stomach and pulled by my hair.

I kept silent and watched as john destroyed my house. When john exited the door, tears flooded my eye from the physical and emotional pain.

When john left the room was filled with the sent of whiskey and black n' milds. I've never seen john like this. I knew he smoked and drank but never to this extent. I was quickly in my way to my blackouts and couldn't stop. I felt the darkness creep up on me. As the time collapse I was on the floor alive on the inside but felt dead on the out.

Sorry guys it took me so long to do this chapter. I was reading a good ass book. The next chapter should be up in the couple of days. I will be keep updating every few days.


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