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Two weeks

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Two weeks. Two miserable, gut wrenching, sleep depriving, soul destroying two weeks. I was a mess. I was a grumbly, bubbling furnace waiting to irrupt. My workers kept largely out of my way and any meetings that weren't urgent were rescheduled. I spent most of my time tense and with my head down towards my desk behind my closed office door. I hated the world, well maybe not the world but definitely anyone who walked around looking happy and smug. Idiots, all of them. 

Things weren't any better at home. I made the mistake of snapping at Zack one night when he took too long to take his dinner plate to the kitchen. My boys' eyes had welled up so quickly that it instantly snapped me out of my funk. I'd apologized profusely but it did little to ease him. He'd been avoiding me at all costs since. He'd eat dinner when I called and would answer if I spoke to him but, he made every effort to spend his evenings behind his bedroom door. I'd felt too consumed by guilt to force him out of it. 

Just one more thing to add to my frustration. 

Things wouldn't be so bad if Leah would just call me. I'd tried. I know she'd said to give her the space but well... I was never a patient man. I needed her to forgive me. I'd called the next day but had got her voicemail. I messaged her, a lot and still, all I got was that stupid blue tick. Eventually my resolve snapped and I'd shown up at her place yesterday, ready to grovel. Instead of falling to my knees and pleading for her forgiveness, I'd parked outside her place and watched as her and my brother walked towards his car, smiling at each other. She looked beautiful, wearing her new black dress she'd bought a month ago and had forcibly shown me for approval. I remembered thinking she'd cause a man a heart attack in the dress. She'd simply giggled, ignoring my attempts at wanting her to cover up. The only thing to calm me down was her saying she'd never wear it because she didn't have anyone worth showing it too. 

My teeth crunched hard against each other. Clearly that wasn't the case anymore. Stupid Davey. 

"Hey, boss." A soft tap came from behind my door moments before the handle moved. When the door opened, a head of white blond hair popped through, followed by long tanned legs. Scarlett sent me small smile and I forced myself to send one back. "I haven't seen much of you." 

I leaned back in my chair watching her. She wore a deep red dress that stuck to every curve of her body. She was stunning and based on the provocative way in which her eyes roamed across what little of my body she could see, the feeling was mutual. "I've been a bit busy." 

She hummed softly and stepped further into the room. Her heels tapped with every step, and my heart rate spiked along with it. It should be illegal for a woman's hips to sway so elegantly. "I'm beginning to think you didn't enjoy our date." 

My smile turned into salacious grin. I leaned forward in my seat, planting my elbows on my desk. "Oh gorgeous, you know I enjoyed our date." I winked and made a point to drop my eyes toward her lips. She grinned brightly. I carefully stood from my chair and stalked towards her. My heated gaze remained on hers as I rounded the table. My skin tingled. "Go lock the door." A small gasp fell from her pretty lips before she rushed to follow my orders. Her back was to me. When the click of the door was heard, I let my body crowd hers. I trapped her against the door, my arms stretched around her, caging her in while my chest pressed against her back. Her round ass was brushed against me. My body heated quickly. 

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