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When Davey suggested time away, just the two of us, it seemed great

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When Davey suggested time away, just the two of us, it seemed great. My first thought was this is what we need, we can reset as a couple. Now, sitting in his car on our way to the cabin, my stomach in knots, I wasn't so sure. Time away with Davey was always great but something about the seclusion of this trip made me anxious. There were expectations attached. Davey wouldn't ever explicitly say them but they were there, lingering in every look and touch sent my way. They had me both hot from nervousness and anticipation. I wasn't sure which overpowered. 

The trip to the cabin is long and uncomfortable. My stomach twisted and flip flopped in the most unpleasant way. Davey was quiet, knowing I was feeling too sick to be of any use conversationally. Car sickness was a bitch. 

"You doing okay there?" asked Davey. We were nearing the end of our journey. I couldn't remember the route but slowly more landmarks were becoming familiar. I recognized the gravel road you had to quickly take off the main road, one so hidden between bushes that you'd miss it with a blink. I remembered the broken fences along the side. Legend said they were there left by the old farmers from the 1600's and served as a warning not to proceed. Considering the fences were tall enough to reach my knees, I thought it all a bunch of sour grapes. 

I quickly reached for my stomach as Davey made a sharp turn to the right, down what we called Spooky Avenue. During the day it wasn't much to write home for, but at night, it became your nightmares. "Sorry about that. I almost missed the turn and had to take it quickly."

I sent a small smile his way and said, "it's alright." My stomach didn't quite agree. I swallowed, hoping the sudden burn in my throat would subside. "It's my fault for not taking anything for the trip. I just forgot." It wasn't a lie but the real truth was that I'd been preoccupied. My mind lately seemed at war with my heart and the fight was wreaking havoc on my life. I just hoped I'd actually packed all my essentials. I didn't really remember the packing process all that well. 

"I know you're probably just feeling sick but, you've been very quiet lately, even before today. Is everything alright? Are you still fighting with Spencer?"

My head shot to Davey quickly. "I'm not fighting with Spencer."

"What about last week?"

I eased my hold on my stomach as Davey continued down Spooky Avenue. We'd be on the road for at least fifteen minutes. "I was never fighting with him. We just hit a bump." Davey's face said everything. I sighed and looked out the window. "It's hard to explain. Something happened that was..." I nibbled my lip thinking of the best word to use and fell short. I didn't know how to explain what happened without giving too much away. It was part of the dilemma. I didn't understand what had happened and in turn, it made things weird between us. "Weird and we didn't really know how to act around one another because of it."

I turned to look at Davey and noticed his hands strangling the steering wheel. He jaw was tight and his eyes focused intently on the road. He was silent and it no longer felt welcoming as it had earlier. I didn't think there was anything telling about my choice of words but his actions suggested his imagination thought differently. It had me squirming. Finally, after what felt like hours, Davey spoke. "Is there something about you and my brother that I'm supposed to know about." 

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