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I let myself into Leah's place with my spare key

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I let myself into Leah's place with my spare key. The house was quiet and all the lights were off. All except one. I hung my head and shuffled slowly towards the bathroom. The door was open. Leah sat on the tiled floor with her arm hanging across the tubs' edge and her head resting on it. Her eyes were closed, her face pale. I fell to my knees instantly. I sat behind her and pulled her limp body against mine. Her arms wrapped tightly around me and then she let it all go. Her sobs wrecked her body. She convulsed against me, soaking my shirt. I didn't care. After Melissa I wanted to burn the shirt anyway. 

I dug my head into the curve of her neck and held her tighter. I continued to whisper to her, trying my hardest to convince her she was okay. It felt like hours before her sobs slowed to sniffles. Eventually she pulled away. I wanted to keep her against me but she chose to lean against the tub instead. I moved beside her and wrapped my arm around her shoulder. Her head fell against me immediately. 

"You smell like a hooker."

I laughed. "I'm pretty sure she was one." Leah's nose scrunched up adorably. I poked her in the ribs and said, "I was in a funk. I haven't been making good decisions lately."

She sighed. "Me neither. What a pair we make."

I squeezed her tighter against me and let my head rest against hers. My hand trailed carefully up and down her arm. "How about I unload my shit and you do the same?"

Leah pointed to the toilet and said, "You're about ten minutes too late." 

I chuckled. "Not what I meant and you know it. But now that it's out there..." I reached to plug my nose closed and mumbled, "Open a window at least."

Leah's elbow stabbed my side and I winced. "Don't be an ass." She dug her head in her knees and I quickly reached to pull her up again. 

"Okay, okay, that was a low blow. I'm sorry. But, I do want to know how the Indian food went down." She winced. "That bad?"

"I ordered the butter chicken - mild - so not as bad as it could be but, the date got cut short. Like really short. I made some dumb excuse and he dropped me off. You should have seen his face. He was trying to be a gentleman but you could see his disappointment. Tonight was supposed to be the night." I groaned and shook my body dramatically. Leah elbowed me again. "Don't be an ass."

"Then don't talk about that." Leah opened her mouth but I covered it with mine quickly. I glared at her and said, "I'm serious. It's gross." She licked my hand causing me to drop it. "Just like that is." She laughed so I dried my hand on her shirt. Her squeal caused me to laugh and soon, she was joining in with me. Eventually our laughter died down and I pulled her back to me. "How bad was it?" I let my hand rest lightly against her stomach. Two months ago Leah would never have let me do this without scurrying away. Now, she rest her hand on top mine.

"The fear is worse than the actual result. It's like I keep getting flashbacks." Her hand tightened around mine. I could feel the bump lightly under her dress and it made me want to hold her closer to me. "I should be over it by now."

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