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Getting Zack to calm down enough to fall asleep was a lot like herding my third grade class into their seats after recess

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Getting Zack to calm down enough to fall asleep was a lot like herding my third grade class into their seats after recess. He bounced around a lot. He talked a lot. He hugged me a lot. And... I loved it a lot. Still, what should have taken us ten minutes only ended thirty minutes later. Eventually Zack's eyes were closed and his body was finally still. I made my way back to the kitchen. 

Harper had left just before I put Zack to bed. I was ready to leave after dinner. I'd felt foolish ever since Harper opened the door and not Spencer. It didn't matter what I felt though, Harper Matthews had decided that we'd been hiding from each other long enough. She'd loaded the dishwasher, packaged the left overs and left the house all before Zack was under the covers. She stayed long enough to kiss her grandson goodnight and to wish me good luck. Harper knew well enough that she'd trapped me. I wouldn't leave Zack alone. It meant I had no choice but to wait until Spencer arrived. 

I knew it was the right thing to do. Didn't mean I was any less scared. It could all go so many different ways. If the universe were on my side, Spencer and I would hug it out and everything would be great again. I knew better than to believe that would happen. Most likely to happen would be another fight. We'd grumpily call truce, neither of us admitting defeat but rather silently agreeing to push the issue aside and be ostriches. It wasn't a healthy approach but it was the easiest. 

I busied myself with tidying up the kitchen. Once that was done I moved to the living room and looked for something to pass the time with. I scrolled through the movie options but nothing appealed to me. I wasn't in any mood to focus on an intricate plot. I needed something simple, something light hearted that I could watch while I scrolled through social media hoping to ignore my intrusive thoughts. The movie titles began to all blur together until finally one caught my eye. My fingers clicked it on impulse and I settled into the couch. 

The opening credits soon came and instantly I was transported to junior year in high school. I hadn't been doing very well. I was in a lot of pain, my stomach ballooning like a woman in her first trimester. I was nauseous, cold and depressed. Nothing was the way it used to be. Things were changing and I couldn't keep up. I hadn't been to school for a week and once the weekend arrived, Spencer had come to visit. I'd told him everything. Explained how I was feeling. At first he didn't know what to do or say. He was quiet. All I wanted to do was cry some more. I needed my best friend to tell me everything was going to be better but, that was a lot of pressure to put on a teenager. Rather than lie and tell me everything was great, Spencer covered us with a blanket, wrapped his arms around me and put Mulan on. 

We watched in silence until halfway through the movie, he leaned in and whispered, "You're fierce and determined. And, just like Mulan, you'll prove everyone wrong and come out of this winning." 

His words weren't an answer to my problems but it was enough to bring some spark to the grey around me. Sitting on Spencer's couch with Mulan playing in the background brought that feeling back. 

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