Chapter 1️⃣2️⃣

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Freen was preparing herself as she put on her black coat with a soft grey shirt underneath it. She fixing onto her hair and shirts a little as she thought that she need to have a proper and good looking appearance to attend this meeting. Plus, Mr.Armstrong is there. That's what she only thinks. To look presentable in front of her lover's dad. She doesnt know that there is another someone that will surely attend the meeting. She dont know about rebecca's position in the company.

"Boss. They all already wait for you and that's including your fiance and her father with your other staffs." Freen's personal asisstant, Ruiz, said politely while giving her a way. Freen nodding coldly and take a deep breath before she walk to the meeting room.

She could see Heidi and Mr. Morone Arden or should we say her soon to be father in law was also there with another staffs. With that, freen sighing deeply and maintaining her cold attitude before approaching them.

"Oh freen is here!" Mr. Morone arden said makes freen give a tint polite smile as heidi quickly grabbing freen's arm. Heidi place her arm around freen's arm as Ruiz immediately open the huge meeting room's door to let them in.

At that moment, when freen's staffs and all of them getting inside the meeting room, freen could see the most shocking person was staring onto her with the most disappointed, shock and anger eyes ever. Becky. Becky was sitting at the centre of the meeting room table with richie, Mr.Armstrong and her other staffs sitting in line beside her.

Becky gasped when seeing freen was literally with a woman that peacefully smiling with her hand around freen's arm and also with her dad's half brother.

Freen? What? What she did here?

That's all that becky could thinking. Her heart likely burning with her chest was literally in fast pace, going up and down. Freen's eyes meeting becky's deep and fierce glare makes she gulped deeply.

B-becky is a part of the company too? She's a ceo? New ceo?

Freen thought and can't help but to feel so in problems. Her heart was thumping crazily when seeing becky is glaring to her like that. Richie and becky's dad could see how tense and how the change of becky's face right now literally obvious when seeing freen with a woman.

"Good evening, We will introduce to you guys our important position in this company." One of freen's staff strated talking. Mr. Morone arden then suddenly stepping forward with a tint smirk makes the staff shutting his mouth and stepping backwards as if he want to give a way for him to talk.

Instead of talking, Mr.Morone arden walking towards Mr.Armstrong and give him his hand.

"Nice to have a collaboration project with you, Mr.Armstrong." He said as Mr.Armstrong slowly stood up and staring onto him deeply before accepting his hands. They have a handshakes of collaboration but their eyes likely to have a competition of which one who will win.

They stopping the handshake after for a while before Mr.Morone arden stepping backward and standing at the centre of the table and in front of Armstrongs.

"I will introduce to you one by one. Im, morone arden and i think everyone here is already know me especially Armstrong's family." He said makes freen slightly furrowed her eyebrows. She dont get it but she detect something so weird.

"This is my daughter, Heidi Jensen arden." He pointing his hand to the woman that beside freen and thats make becky mockingly smirking. Oh so this woman is her half-cousin huh?

"And this bold genius person is my soon to be in law. Freen sarocha chankimha. A fiance of my daughter." He said proudly makes becky quickly shoot her head towards freen as her teeth was grinding hardly making her jaw was clenching tightly! Becky's hand even slowly curled into a shaking fist before she scoffed in disbelief.

Really? Fiance?

Freen gulping as she could see how becky's face was literally getting red. She know becky is not in her mood at the moment. Becky suddenly could feel richie's hand somehow slowly to hold her shaky fist makes she look at him. Richie nod his head as if he was asking her to keep calm. He know how much becky is getting pissed and angry by only seeing through those heavy breathing that makes her chest going up and down rapidly.

"And this is all my greatest staffs, Rio, james, shak." Mr.Morone arden introduce the other peoples that will involved in this big project between their two companies.

After that, they started to have a little introduction between the two companies and also started to discuss a small things in the projects first. But for becky, she can't stay focused anymore. Her eyes was keep glaring onto freen even though heidi is no longer with them anymore. Yeah, heidi is not a worker or holding a position in arden's company. But she always going to the company back and forth only to see freen.

Freen somehow keeping her glance to rebecca as she know how much becky is in anger right now. She could see everything through those fierce and red teary eyes. Becky's face, jaw, and everythings show how much she is in mad. That's make freen can't really focused on the meeting but, for now, she need to pushing becky.

She doesnt know what to do. She have a fiance. She have to do that even though her heart was belongs to rebecca patricia. Ugh. Its complicated for freen and she can't even think of how to solve it.

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