Chapter 8: They're under the ground! Giant worms

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They ride out into the desert, as fast as they can. They ride past an old storm drain, and are now riding by a barbed wired fence.

Earl: Ok, here's the plan. We don't even stop. We ride like heck. Tonight we'll keep right on going. We'll walk the horses. And Sora and his friends will continue riding their dragons, monster, and horse. 

Val: That is the plan. I mean, gosh dang, what the heck are those things? And how could they bury a whole station wagon? 

Earl: Why would they do it?

Riku: It doesn't make sense. How can a snake be so strong? 

Ren: If there's a whole bunch of them, they must be working together to do that. 

They continue ride, until the horses suddenly stop, and whinnying loudly. The heroes stop their monsters to see what's going on.

Val: Come on, boy! Come on, git, git! Walter wouldn't know a decent horse if it came up and bit him in the butt. 

Earl: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. They got wind of something they don't like. 

Sora: But where? I don't see anything out there. 

Val takes out the rifle as the horses move around in a panic. The heroes look around for anything.

Earl: Something's going on here. 

Val: I don't see anything anywhere!

Roxas: Well, they're nervous about something, Val! 

Just then, Earl's horse falls down on the ground, taking him with it. And Val's horse knocks him off, making him lose his hat. His horse runs off as Earl rolls away. The heroes summon their monsters back into their cards, and run over to them. 

Sora: Are you guys okay?

Val: Yeah. 

Earl: Yeah, yeah. What about my horse?

They all look at Earl's horse, and to their shock, they see three snake creatures wrapped around the horse, trapping it down on the ground.

Earl: What in the name of...

They all jump back in shock. One of the snakes bites onto the horse's leg, and another one is biting on its neck. Everyone looks at this in shock. 

Val: That's how they get you. They're under the goshdang ground. 

Earl: Well, what the heck are they?

Val: Sons of freaks. 

Riku: Val, shoot them! Hurry!

Val cocks the rifle, and aims for them. He fires, and hits one off the now dead horse. The other two retreat down into the ground. They all look at each other. Just then, rumbling is heard. And something begins to come up the ground underneath them. They all move out of the way, and look at it. 

Toji: Jeez! How many of them are there?

Val: Must be a million of them!

Just then, something comes out of the ground, screeching. It's a giant creature. 

Earl: Nope. Just one. 

The creature turns around, and faces them. It's some kind of giant worm. It screeches at them, and coming out of its mouth, are three snake creatures, like tongues. 


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