2023 Note

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First I want to say thank you to those who read this story and left funny and reactive comments on each chapter. 

I've edited/re-written some parts of Open Mic Night. 

When re-reading it, I noticed that I wrote some small but still questionable stuff that I did not think through at the time when I was writing this fic and it went completely over my head. I feel a bit embarrassed that I wrote some things like that to begin with. Hence why I went back to make some changes. My writing has definitely evolved compared to my 2017-20 writing and has improved so much. 

Nothing major has changed within the parts that I've rewritten. They were small rewrites but still. I don't want my stories to be on that type of low level. I want them to be positive. I want people who read my stories to feel happy and every positive emotion. 

Once again, thank you to everyone who has read this story and found comfort with it 💜


Open Mic Night (Higuel/Hiroguel)Where stories live. Discover now