Night of Perfomace

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The sun of Saturday morning rises and Hiro is still sound asleep. Even though it's past 11 am. Mochi jumps on Hiro's bed and walks over to him. Mochi meows and begins to lick Hiro's face.

Hiro: Mmmm mochiiii.....not now.....

He turns over so his back is facing mochi.

Mochi: *Meeeeooooww*

Hiro: Uuuuggghhh....I'm up.....

No he's not.

Mochi: *Meeeeooooww*

Hiro lazily gets up.

Mochi: *Meow*

Hiro: はいはい、おはよう

He pets mochi on his head then under his chin. Mochi begins to purr.

Hiro: You like that?

Mochi: *Puuuuurrrrr*

Hiro: You purr so loud. It sound like a motor engine

He continues on petting mochi. He looks over at his clock and sees that it's 11:30. Mochi jumps off Hiro's bed and heads downstairs.

Still half asleep, Hiro gets up from his bed, he checks his phone to see if he got any notifications, then heads downstairs. When he gets to the kitchen of the house, he sees Aunt Cass cooking breakfast which makes him confused for a moment.

Hiro: Uh Aunt Cass?

Aunt Cass: Oh! Morning Hiro! You're up just in time, I'm almost done making breakfast.

Hiro: Okay, but......shouldn't you be, you know, downstairs running the cafe?

He sits down on the high chair at the kitchen island.

Aunt Cass: I closed the cafe for the day

Hiro: ....You did?

Aunt Cass takes the pan of pancakes and slides them onto a large plate and smothers them in maple syrup. Along with adding strawberries and whip cream on top. Then she takes out the toast from the toaster and starts to smear strawberry jam on it.

Aunt Cass: Mhm

She puts the toast on a small plate and hands it to Hiro. Then hands the large plate of pancakes to him.

Aunt Cass: Now eat up before it gets cold

She hands him a fork and knife.

Hiro begins to cut up his pancakes into small pieces then starts to eat.

Aunt Cass pours freshly brewed hot coffee on a mug, adds a few teaspoons of sugar and gives it to Hiro. He takes a sip and his phone dings.

He unlocks his phone and sees a text message from Fred.

Fred🦖: 1:00 pm, my place. Be there or be squared 👻

Hiro snorts and texts back.

Hiro👾: If you say so

Aunt Cass: Who are you texting?

Hiro: Fred. He wants me to go over to his house for something

He takes another bite of his pancakes.

Aunt Cass: Oh

She sips her coffee.

Aunt Cass: Do you have Miguel's number?

Hiro looks up from his phone and stares at her blankly.

Open Mic Night (Higuel/Hiroguel)Where stories live. Discover now