Getting to know each other

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A week has gone by since the performance and the weather has been cooling down a bit. Especially at night where it drops to 55-60 degrees. But it's still hot during the day.

It was just another slow day at the cafe. Actually it has been pretty slow lately. So Miguel starts to clean the tables and sweep the floors to pass the time. As he's sweeping, he looks around at the cafe. Only 7 customers. He looks out the window and notices people walking towards to the new cafe that just opened across the street. That cafe deals with mostly foods, desserts and pastries from Korea, since the owner is Korean.

He lets out a sigh.

Aunt Cass: What's wrong Miguel?

Miguel: Oh! Uh, nothing...just thinking about my class assignments

Aunt Cass places a hand on his shoulder.

Aunt Cass: If you're worried about something or just need to get something off your chest, you can come to me. I'm here to listen

Miguel: Thank you tia Cass

Lately he's been calling her tia Cass instead of just...Cass. He felt like something needed to be added towards her name. So tia is what he came up with. He notices that she acts very motherly to him and is affectionate towards him just like mama Elena and his own mother.

She smiles at him and walks to the kitchen.

His phone vibrates in his pocket, so he takes it out and checks it. A text from Ricardo.

Ricardo🎉🇨🇱: Did you ask her yet? To see if we can perform

Damn it he forgot to ask.

Miguel🇲🇽: No, not yet. But I will at the end of my shift

Ricardo🎉🇨🇱: ¡No te olvidas huevón!

Miguel snorts.

Miguel🇲🇽: I won't!

He puts his phone away and looks up as he hears the bell chime.

Miguel: Welco-

He doesn't finish what he says because the person who walks in the cafe is none other than Hiro.

'Why is he so cute?!' Miguel says to himself. Every time he looks at him, his heart begins to beat a lil' bit faster. Because he is so cute. With his cute face, cute nose, cute cheeks, cute eyes. Cute, cute, cute!

Hiro looks at Miguel and gives him a little smile.

'SO.FUCKING.CUTE!' Miguel grips the broom handle and he can feel his cheeks becoming warm.

Aunt Cass: Welcome back Hiro

Hiro: Hey Aunt Cass

He starts to walk towards the stairs.

Aunt Cass: Wait

She pulls on the strap of his backpack.

Hiro: What?!

Aunt Cass: Where do you think you're going without eating lunch

Hiro: I ate at school so I'm not hungry. And I'll come downstairs when I am

Aunt Cass crosses her arms.

Aunt Cass: Hiro I know you. "I'll come downstairs when I am" really means you grabbing a bag of gummy bears, potato chips and ramune soda as your "lunch/dinner"

Hiro: Hey at least I have something in my stomach right?

Aunt Cass gives him an unamused look and heads towards the kitchen.

Open Mic Night (Higuel/Hiroguel)Where stories live. Discover now