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A week has flown by and it's Friday. The day where it's the start of Miguel's new job. And his performance.

Class has just finished up just in time for him to go to his dorm and drop off his stuff.

Ricardo: Hey where ya going Miguel?

Miguel: Going back to our dorm so I can drop off my stuff and head out to my new job

Ricardo: Oh yeah! You told me about that as soon as you got back to the dorm. Where do you work?

Miguel: At 'The Lucky Cat Cafe'

Ricardo: So you're a....waiter?

His voice sounding very unenthusiastic.

Miguel: Kinda. It's 50/50

Ricardo shows off a very confused look on his face.

Miguel: During the week I help out around the cafe and on Fridays and the weekends I perform

Ricardo: Really?!

Miguel: Yup!

Ricardo: Is it know...

Ricardo has that mischievous look on his face and tone to his voice.

Miguel: I'm not getting you a job

His voice sounding flat.

Ricardo: No I'm not asking that. I'm asking if you can book me a performance. Oh! How about a duo!

Ricardo wraps an arm around Miguel's shoulder.

Miguel: A duo?

Ricardo: Yeah! You and me. The ultimate musical duo. Remember the Latin club that we constantly performed over the summer?!

Miguel: Yeah

Ricardo: 'Twas fun and exhilarating huh?

Again with the mischievous tone of voice

Miguel: Obviously!

Ricardo: Then why not have the two of us perform together?!

He gives a light smack on Miguel's chest.

Miguel: As much as I would love that, it's a cafe Ricardo. I don't think the people would like that we're disturbing them from their interactions and studies if the both of us were performing very loud and salsa like music

Ricardo: Who says we have to perform salsa like music. Boleros, eh?

Miguel innocently rolls his eyes.

Miguel: Knowing you, I don't think that's possible

Ricardo: ¿Qué quieres decir hueón?

Miguel: That you have no self control when it comes to performing on stage. You're very extra

Ricardo: As all of us Latinos are

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