Winter Showcase (Part 2)

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~Winter Showcase~


It's official. Today is the day. The moment all of the people of SFUE have been waiting for.

Miguel and Ricardo are up and getting ready to head over to the stadium where the people who are performing have to go over a sound check and rehearsal.

Ricardo: I can't believe it's today!!

Miguel: Same!!

They say with excitement.

Dante: *Bark*

Miguel walks over to Dante and pets his head.

Miguel: So, how's your performance with Rebecca been coming along?

He says while putting on a long sleeve t-shirt.

Ricardo: You'll see~

He says with a smirk on his lips.

Ricardo: And what about you and Jaehyun?

Miguel: Fine

Ricardo: That doesn't sound promising

Miguel snorts and rolls his eyes over his comment.

Miguel: Trust me, it's fine. We've been practicing non stop. Our performance is fine

Ricardo: If you say so

He puts on his Nike shoes and grabs his phone and wallet. Then they start heading towards the door.

Miguel: We'll be back Dante

Dante: *Bark Bark*

Miguel and Ricardo walk out of their dorm room, and Miguel locks the door.

They head out of the building and start walking to the bus stop.

Miguel takes out his phone from his pocket and starts to text Jaehyun.

Miguel: Today is the day!! 😱

Jaehyun: I know!! 😆

Miguel: I'm soooo nervous!! 😫

Jaehyun: Same here! It's been a while for me

Miguel: Aren't you used to giving presentations with a big crowd?

Jaehyun: Aren't you used to giving a performance with a large audience? Lol

And giving a presentation and a performance are two different things

Miguel: Hahaha touché

Anyway, here's the address of the stadium

1111 SW Shimamoto rd, San Fransokyo, CA 90015

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