Winter Showcase (Part 1)

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~5 days till the winter showcase~


It's officially December. And what does that mean?

It means that SFUE is getting ready for their annual winter showcase. Where students get perform up on stage in front of a live audience. Whether it's acting, singing, dancing, magic, etc. It's a chance for students to become discovered or scouted by agents that work at the top record companies or agency's.

Ricardo and Rebecca have signed up and are performing together as a duo. Iris and Marisol have also signed up and are performing a dance routine together.

While Miguel still hasn't signed up yet.

Ricardo, Rebecca, Iris, Marisol and Miguel are sitting at a table outside by the water fountain and are eating their lunch.

Ricardo: Don't tell me you're not going to sign up Miguel?

Miguel: I want to but.....

Rebecca: But what? Nothing is holding you back Miguel

Miguel sighs.

Miguel: I know....

Marisol: And didn't you say that you don't want people to only recognize you as 'the great-great grandson of Mexico's and Latin America's most legendary song writer'?

Miguel: ....yes.....

On the first day of school, all of the Latinx teachers and Latinx students were in shock that the one and only Miguel Rivera a.k.a Hector Riveras great-great grandson would be attending the university. But that's just what they would only recognize Miguel as. Hector Rivera's great-great grandson or the great-great grandson of Mexico's and Latin America's most legendary song writer Hector Rivera.

In the beginning, it didn't bother Miguel, in fact he was proud that people were starting to recognize papa Hector and the legacy that he brought when writing one the most iconic songs in Mexico and Latin America history.

But over the past 3 years, it was starting to become annoying and frustrating.

When performing at venues or clubs back in Mexico, people would only come to watch him perform because he's Hector Riveras great-great grandson. They didn't come to watch Miguel Rivera.

So when he got scouted at the mariachi plaza, it was an opportunity for him to not only make a name for himself, but for people to finally recognize him as 'Miguel Rivera'.

But that didn't happen the moment when he walked on campus and entered the university.

Miguel could hear all of the students and teachers whispers and saying 'Is that Hector Riveras great-great grandson?!' 'No way! The great-great grandson of Hector Rivera is attending school in the U.S?!'

Even in the United States of America, Miguel is still followed by papa Hectors shadow.

Miguel: ........ugh

He bangs his forehead on the table.

Rebecca rubs his back.

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