Coming Out

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It's been 6 months since Miguel and Hiro have confessed their feelings for each other and started going out. They've went on multiple dates, some were double dates, their group of friends would all hang out with each other which made it a lot more easier to spend more time together. Miguel would go visit Hiro at his lab during lunch time or Hiro would go to the recording studio at SFUE and visit Miguel. When they would be done with their classes for the day, one of them would go visit the school and pick them up so they can walk to the cafe together. Usually Miguel, mostly on his days off from work, is the one to visit and pick up Hiro from his lab, and usually stay there till it got dark outside. Which made Miguel, sometimes, stay over at Hiro's house. Aunt Cass didn't mind that. Nothing could've been more perfect.

It was lunch time and Rebecca, Marisol, Iris, Ricardo and Miguel were at the gardens, behind the school of SFIT, sitting under the cherry blossom trees eating their lunch. Honey Lemon, Wasabi, GoGo and Fred tagged along with them as it was their lunch time as well from their work.

Honey Lemon, Rebecca and GoGo were sitting down on the wooden bench eating cubano sandwiches and drinking jugo de maracuya and Iris, Wasabi and Fred were sitting down on a stone bench. Wasabi ordered Peruvian papas rellenas and an Inca Cola, Fred ordered tacos and a jarritos drink.

Ricardo was sitting down on the ground, laying his back on the tree trunk, and Miguel was laying down on the ground reading his music sheets.

Iris: ¿Donde está Hiro?

She asks as she takes a bite of her mofongo.

Miguel: He texted me saying that he was going to get something from his lab real quick

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Miguel: He texted me saying that he was going to get something from his lab real quick

Hiro walks out of the doors to the cafeteria and starts heading towards the garden that's located at the back of the school.

He spots them and walks up to them and joins.

Ricardo: ¿Eyy, que onda Hiro?

Hir0: ....what?

Ricardo: long has it been since you and Miguel started dating?

Hiro: six months

Ricardo turns his head to look at Miguel.

Ricardo: ¿porque no estas prácticando español con el?

Miguel snorts and rolls his eyes.

Hiro: Yo estoy practicando mi español con el pendejo

Iris spits out her jugo de maracuya and starts to laugh hysterical. Same with Rebecca, Honey Lemon and Marisol. Ricardo just sits there all still with his mouth agape.

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