Cafe Trouble

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It's officially mid October. The fall season begins, the trees are changing color, the leaves are falling down and the weather starts to cool down.

But business at cafe is becoming very slow than what it should be. There's hardly anyone sitting inside at the cafe. Just 2 or 5 people each day and 7 or 10 people coming in and ordering to take out when it should be twice the amount. Aunt Cass is becoming very worried and is starting to stress out.

It's Thursday and the cafe should be pretty busy by now since it's almost the weekend but there's only 4 people sitting inside. And so far, only 3 people have came in and ordered take out.

Miguel cleans the glass window of the display case and hears the bell jingle.

He looks up thinking that more customers are coming in but it's just Hiro.

'Still cute as always' Miguel says to himself. Like he always does when he sees Hiro.

Hiro walks up to him.

Hiro: Hey Miguel!

Miguel: Hey!

Hiro: Busy?

Hiro looks around the cafe.

He turns back to Miguel and notices that he has a worrisome look on his face.

Miguel: Not really. The cafe has been very slow these past couple of weeks and your Aunt Cass is very worried

Hiro: Oh....

The bell jingles again.

Miguel looks over to see if more customers are coming in but it's just his friends instead.

Miguel: Hey guys

Ricardo: Miguelito! ¿Que onda guey?

Miguel snorts.

Marisol: You're really taking this Mexican slang to heart

Ricardo: No shit and that's how you say it right?

Rebecca: Yup you got it right

Ricardo makes a victory fist.

Miguel: What are you guys doing here?

Iris: We wanted to come in and pay a visit and.....

She looks around the cafe.

Iris: it just me or is it really slow?

Miguel: Yeah, the past two weeks only a handful of people are coming in when it should be double the amount. The owner, Hiro's aunt is very worried and stressed

The group of four look at Hiro and Hiro looks at them then at Miguel.

Miguel: Oh! I forgot to introduce you guys to each other. Hiro, this is Ricardo, my dorm roommate

Ricardo begins to fake cry.

Ricardo: So I'm just your *fake sniffling* dorm roommate and not *fake sniffling* your friend!

Marisol smacks him up in the head.

Marisol: Ya para con tú tonterías

Miguel snorts.

Miguel: And this is Marisol

Marisol: Hey

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