Getting to know each other (1.5)

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~In Fred's room~

Honey: When are you going to introduce us to Miguel, Hiro?

Hiro: Uhhhh.......

GoGo: You don't want to introduce us to him do you?

She crosses her arms.

Hiro: It's not that! It's just......aren't you guys busy with your jobs?

Wasabi: If we have time to visit you then we have time to get to know him

Hiro: But you all already do. The documentary

Wasabi: That's....not the same Hiro

Fred: Yeah, we only learned about his devastating backstory. Not the changed man that he is today

GoGo: You make him sound like he's a superhero like us

Fred: What if....he is?...hmm...maybe he could be...OW!

GoGo smacks Fred's head.

Hiro laughs.

GoGo: Stop being ridiculous. So, when?

If Hiro is being honest, he's kinda intimidated by Miguel now. He watched the whole documentary about his great-great grandfather from start to finish when he arrived at home during that day. Through out the video, there were some moments where the documentary talks about Miguel's family and the family business as well as Miguel himself. A music lover who self taught himself how to play guitar at the age of 8 when his family forbid for any of them to play music, and by 12, was automatically titled a professional musician and music prodigy.

Hiro is the total opposite of him.

He's been avoiding Miguel every time he sees him at the cafe. Usually he enters the house by going through the cafe, but lately when he gets home, he enters the house by entering the front door.

Honey: Hiro pleeeaaasse?

'Again with the puppy dog face' he says to himself.

He lets out a sigh.

Hiro: Fine.......I'll see what I can do...

Honey: Yaaaay!!

Honey Lemon runs to Hiro to give him a big hug.

Fred: Alright!

Wasabi: I can't believe I'm going to meet someone famous!

Wasabi begins to fanboy a little.

Hiro low-key hopes that Miguel is busy with his studies and college life in general so he won't have to introduce him to them.


~Next day~

Hiro starts to pack up his laptop and class assignments in his backpack.

Hiro: That should be it...

He locks the lab with his key card and takes off to the house.

He leaves campus and starts to walk a few blocks to catch the trolley.

Hiro hops on the trolley. As he sat down, his phone buzzes in his pocket. He takes it out, unlocks it and sees a text message from Honey Lemon.

Honey🍋: Don't forget!😊

Hiro👾: I won't 🙃

He locks his phone and stares out the window, taking in the view of San Fransokyo till he gets home.

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