Job Offer

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Miguel moved to San Fransokyo from Mexico 3 months ago to attend university and to fulfill his dream in becoming a musician.

It's already been a few weeks since attending the school, and everything has been going smoothly. But he needs a job. He's 16, therefore he needs to start making some income so he can go buy food, use transportation, going out with friends, and for emergencies. The money that his family gave him is not going to last the whole four years. So he needs to move ASAP.

It's the weekend, so Miguel takes an opportunity to use this time to go job hunting. Dante went along with him. Since he's a spirit guide, maybe he can lead Miguel the way to a job. Miguel went to a bunch of places that were hiring, but no luck.

His stomach started to rumble. He checked his watch and realized that he lost the track of time due to the excess job hunting.

He needed something cheap to eat because the money that he has right now, is running out. He needs to save all of that money for the time being till he can find a job. Miguel looked around the area for a cheap fast food joint but the majority of it were restaurants.

Miguel walked a few more blocks (along with Dante all leashed up) to see if he can maybe, stumble upon a cheap place to eat. But nope nothing.

Miguel: Why aren't there any damn food carts out in this pinche ciudad carajo!!!

He yells out to the sky. If he were in Mexico right now, he would be finding food carts EVERYWHERE! He would eating tacos de lengua, empanadas de pollo, carne asada, elotes, drinking agua fresca, horchata...

Miguel: *stomach rumbles* UUggghhhh.....WHOA!!!

In a flash, Dante started running off. Pulling Miguel with him.

He started running a good couple of streets to get to his destination.

Miguel: ¡¡¡DANTE!!! ¡¡ESPERA!!

And so.....he did when he finally arrived at the location.

Miguel was catching the oxygen he lost back into his lungs from the run. When he looked up, he spots a cafe across the street.

Miguel: ¡Vamos Dante!

The bell jingles as they open the door. Miguel and Dante entered the cafe and were blessed with the sweet aroma of coffee and pastries.

Miguel looked over at the menu to see what he can eat. So far, everything seems very affordable.

Aunt Cass: What would you like to order my dear?

A lady with wavy dark brown hair says in a very upbeat tone.


He stutters. Still struggling to decide on what he wants to eat.

Aunt Cass: First time here?

Miguel: Yeah....hehe

He replies with an awkward laugh.

Aunt Cass: If you were to ask me, I would definitely recommend the coffee special of the week. Which is coffee beans imported from Mexico, freshly grounded and brewed into a smooth and rich flavor. Not too strong and not too light

Open Mic Night (Higuel/Hiroguel)Where stories live. Discover now